Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Valentine’s day is a misandrist notion

Valentine’s Day is a shopping extravaganza celebrated to make women happy. I think this is an auspicious time to warn our brothers that Valentine’s Day is not a special day. This is a day that has been forcefully and socially imposed on us by generations…

Government – Pro or Anti People

Most of the countries of the World are Democratic Countries, or similar version of same Government. For the People, by the People, that’s what we think. But in reality it’s not so. We think, Selected and elected representative make good governance for the wellbeing of…

Equality before law ? – Mockery of Constitution of India

The Constitution of India, Article 14 confers equal rights and opportunities on men and women, and ensures gender equality in its preamble as a fundamental right, it states Equality before law – The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or…

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