Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

False Promise To Marry – Court Must Ensure That Not Only Are Women Not Misused But Equally That Law Is Not Misused Against Men: Madras HC

It is definitely extremely significant to note that while ruling on a very prominent point pertaining to misuse of law, the Madras High Court in a most learned, laudable, landmark, logical and latest judgment titled Rahul Gandhi vs State in Crl. A. No. 548 of…

[S.498A IPC] Scores Of Cases Where Husband’s Family Is Dragged Into Web Of Crime By Frivolous Complaints Of Wife, Must Be Nipped In The Bud: Karnataka HC

It must be definitely noted right in the beginning itself that while taking potshots at the scores of cases where husband’s family is dragged into web of crime by frivolous complaints of wife, the Karnataka High Court in a most learned, laudable, landmark, logical and…

Valentine’s day is a misandrist notion

Valentine’s Day is a shopping extravaganza celebrated to make women happy. I think this is an auspicious time to warn our brothers that Valentine’s Day is not a special day. This is a day that has been forcefully and socially imposed on us by generations…

Fathers being forced to agree not to contest Child custody or else face kidnap or Daughter Molestation charges.

My name is Rudolph D’souza and I am the Founder and President of the MyNation Hope Foundation (MNHF). MyNation Hope Foundation is a registered charity and nonprofit organization dedicated to Help and give legal advice to Families, Fathers who fight for Child custody and the…

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We handle Women Centric biased laws like False Section 498A IPC, Domestic Violence(DV ACT), Divorce, Maintenance, Alimony, Child Custody, HMA 24, 125 CrPc, 307, 312, 313, 323, 354, 376, 377, 406, 420, 497, 506, 509; TEP, RTI and many more…