Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

UK Judge Says, “It’s a Disgrace”

Dateline: East Sussex, EnglandBy: This is London

From: Real Fathers For Justice

Via: The Honor Network  

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP) 

Justice Thorpe said East Sussex County Council handled a girl’s adoption disgracefully. The conduct of social workers who rushed through the adoption of a baby girl before her natural father could prevent it was damned as “disgraceful” by three senior judges yesterday. Lord Justice Thorpe said the decision to place the child with adoptive parents 24 hours before the father was due in court to fight for his daughter gave the “clearest inference” that the council was out to “gain its ends by means more foul than fair”.He accused East Sussex County Council of deliberately setting out to prevent the father from being heard in court and, in the process, adding to public mistrust of the secrecy surrounding Family Courts.

In an unprecedented attack on social services, the High Court judge referred to the Government “bonus” system which Rewards local authorities financially for meeting targets on adoption.

He said: “Many assert that councils have a secret agenda to establish a high score of children that they have placed for adoption. 

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