Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

F4J UK Take Over Courthouse

Dateline: Bristol, England
By: This is Bristol
From: Percy at Anti-Misandry
Via: The Honor Network 

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

Well the lads in F4J in the UK have put the government on notice that they will not be ignored and their cries for justice will be met with rising pressure to meet as much as is necessary to get the job done. Will the governments find balance or will they continue to stonewall the feminist line.

Dozens of staff were evacuated from a family court in a Fathers 4 Justice protest in Bristol.  The group stormed the building and a fire alarm was set off. Court and construction staff huddled outside Bristol County Court, in the high-rise Greyfriars building in the city centre, and waited for the fire service to arrive.Around 30 banner-waving protesters dressed as various superheroes stopped at the courts during a street demonstration through Bristol in support of fathers’ rights.Around 10 protesters dressed as Spiderman, Batman, Superman and The Incredibles forced their way into the court and chanted “What do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now.”

A fire alarm was activated, although court staff could not confirm who was responsible, and nearly 100 staff flooded into the street outside.

Two police vans arrived, along with two fire engines, and the men soon left thecourt building and continued their march.

The demonstration was joined by two campaigners who scaled the roof of deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman’s home in Herne Hill, south London, earlier this week.

Jolly Stanesby and Mark Harris, both from south Devon, started the roof top protest on Sunday and continued for more than 24 hours. They have since been bailed by police. 

For the full story click:


Posted in U.K   

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