Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


Infact, the problem is our Indian People are poisoned by radical Feminists organisations dangerously for a decade. Whether a male or female, a child doesn’t know. They acquire knowledge through the society. Current society contains most vultures in the form of radical Women NGOs as self-centered. Continuos spread of hatred towards a man and dowry made these little children prone to poison. If you see a women around 18 or 20+ and she is straightly, against a man and male society (misandry). Though, she is brought up by her father, brother. still, she says men are BAD/CRUEL.

How many young men know, how DANGEROUS AND TERROR the marriage in India is with IPC-498a/DV act(current form)? Do these educated guys know about present day urban Indian women fastness with support of these laws, MAKE these men 100% stupid inside marriage.? A single piece of complaint lands mother,father and husband’s sister(even married) in INDIAN JAILS under Non-bailable warrants. This has become a major corruption-scam terrorizing Indian families. There are no repurcussions for wrong complaints. There are many cases like http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/mar152006/city2010262006314.asp

IPC498a is enacted by legislation a decade back and marital discord between men and women raised tremendously. Many women were not capable of earning, but learn about this law by parents for their selfish reasons. Men being not happy with wives, under 498a threat from time to time. Men who are in threat are greatly public servants,social People, highly educated, scientists in urban areas participating infrastructure design for the country. what happens when these People.are not healthy in living? That naturally got affected on the rural areas. No proper planning, infrastructure affected, wisdom got lost and the country led to 48% poverty level now(eating one meal in a day) and population increase. Other side,Some men can act like http://www.saveindianfamily.org/blogs/category/stories/ig_radha/ to counter. There is no other way round.

There is no way for an Indian men to quit bad marriage or bad wife without hicking up himself into big trouble? Even men want to separate in the first year…several years with several lakhs of rupees maintenance for such women. How many young generation IGNORANT (about these laws) boys (unfortunately IITs/IIMs/Doctors/Engineers) knows this? Forget about child custody for fathers in India for such marriages. It easily takes atleast 6 yrs. of rigorous legal battle JUST TO GET RID OF such wife in India.
These men already created an image of sita in their heart for INDIAN WOMEN. Many young unmarried men are starved of sex, their perspective towards looking at woman hasn’t changed.

Dowry is a social custom in India for centuries. Crime by dowry DEMAND is nothing but greed. we already have laws for cheating, greedy, characterless fellows. why this 498a brought-in by Govt.? and that `mental tension clause’…purely another CORRUPTION.

These youngsters MUST be grateful to “Save Indian Family” foundation for making awareness of this TRUTH on internet and ground scale.
These youngsters who are with un-selfish motives were able to bring this TRUTH in Public. Will common dhoti administrators or their bureacrats would make such awareness for stopping their funds??
Youngsters entering Indian marriages face this (unlike their elders), AND youngster’s now ready to fight (in risk on DEATH/DEPRESSION of their parents) and are running behind Indian corrupt courts to quit such marriages.

Currently, on an average 52% divorces in the first 5 years of marriages all over urban cities have started (from 2000). who take responsibility for this? Many children are with single parenting. Singel parent children are more prone to crimes in any culture by statistics. Many elderly People. who gave everything to their children sacrificing their life and earnings and happiness are homeless due to this law or are living themselves. Do these vultures take responsibility for this?

I came across some women who were deserted by their husbands (present generation) for giving 498a threat/blackmail inside marriage for their unmaturity or parental involvement or their so-called fastness and few yrs later able to bring their parents (success as per their parents) on to foreign lands on landing status but ended up looking for Indian men on internet for marriage for several years. In loneliness in 30s, less % of Indian men living in those countries, could not settle in next marriage/s ( most NRIs not risking marriages), started bizarre living-relationships for sometime.

How many Indian girls are adapted to living such life styles? Western culture and western women are adapted by birth for such culture, but CAN WE? Is this the way one wanted our culture to get into and is this so-called modernization and fastness for our young ladies. PLS. DO NOT THINK THAT PRESENT INDIAN MEN CAN’T RISK SUCH MARRIAGE FOR SUCH THREAT.I suggest our women risk for VIRTUE and appropriate reasons.

Hooligans/goondas,politicians and evils in society doesn’t have problem of IPC 498a. They know how to handle in-laws (jungle raj).
What happened to cases filed against advani/thackeray/haryana chief minister and many more figures?!!

Some People. still think that, society is better than developed nations, though we face several problems (polulation, poverty, crime etc.,); still country is surviving and OK. It looks OK.

BUT I WARN, there is a limit on everything. We are not far away from heavy disaster or calamity which can’t be even thought. All intellectuals leave the county for minimal standards andbrain drain.
Social-engineering sense mitigated People. continue to rule the country. country leads to graveyard. we may be almost there.

To add gas to fire, domestic violence bill is introduced. sec-3 is designed very dangerously. women can obtain home of in-laws and throw them out. how many People. know about this Domestic violence?? This will be another 498a in India,if adopted in current form.

what these vultures wanted from india. They are indians too. Even if they are funded by western interests, they should not have sacrificed India for the whole purposes. Foreigners, who directly ruled India are far better than these People, who have already poisoned the society. Will there be a punishment for them or their children on this karmic land.

Marriage and divorces are purely personal in nature or relation.Every individual got `Rights’ over it. who are feminists organisations to involve in compromising or resolving such issues.
who are these dictators over person’s life.? Stop this non-sense.
The problem is INDIAN MEN themself. They became so foolish, that they are not able to understand, how their health has became by bonded labour after marriage. Today, Diabetes rates for Indian men is one among largest in the world. Suicide rates for Indian men in their 30s/40s is 3.2 times Indian women (www.forgottenwomen.org). Their faces are rotten and pale.

For each 498a, on an average, there is atleast 1 lakh of money being spent in urban area by the family for various reason from corruption to bail. In higher middle class families, where good earning is there, the expense spent easily goes to 10lakhs. Wife has to be compensated for quashing the case—till—to court clerk. If an NRI is caught by the police, excellent day for the bad People. Several lakhs of rupees being spilt.

If one notices, many women NGOs, politicians are behind NRIs and higher middle class People., stating provision of cell phones for such assaulted women, advertising in newspaper about NGO to report to. Central treasury is empty. Poverty ridden homeless children are suffering mercilessly. Many poor women are dying for hunger. NRI became important for these NGOs than those children. “office-of-profit” ordinance changes or some other useless or selfish amendments are important for them.

I believe, most of these organizations are just waiting to get calls by NRI wife. The day call is received by NGOs, work on it, as there is big booty. Americans recognize the tantrums of Indian politicians indirectly. http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=768649893bc5975ce97b6bff5354c210?

Supreme court is hand folded due to fear of ant population of Women NGOs dharna for any action being taken—
http://www.hindu.com/2005/07/22/stories/2005072202631500.htm . India is whining; there is completely dirt inside the parliament. Who will clean this?

And who is benefitting out of this whole process. NO ONE, BUT COUNTRY AND CULTURE will 100% DEVASTATES.

Dedicated: For educated families FATHERS/MOTHERS and speedy running DAUGHTERS who were brain-washed for 2 decades by this radical women organizations.

Disclaimer: These are my perceptions only. Nothing to do with other’s or an attempt to change. I disclaim all liabilities and read at your own risk and intelligence.

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