Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

What one should ask a Girl before marriage?

Indian Version; Will not apply to West.

1. Eating habits.
This is main issue in most of the family, as it is every day event that will make big difference between families.
Every man should marry a Girl who has same food habits; if she is not ready to cook what you wanted, then you have to go back to your mother, which your wife will not like. It is said men heart through his stomach, unless girl cook like man mother it is very difficult to adjust with such girl.

2. Past Hook-ups.
Todays no Girl is not without past hook-ups, as research and study done on pre-marital sex shows 70% of girls experience before marriage, when boys percentage is less than 40%.
For a Boy getting girl is very difficult unless he is Rich or a Stud, but any dumb girl can get a boy if she says, she is available.
When asked, she may call you narrow minded or feel insecure, let her call anything, it’s better lose her now than after marriage.
If she was bold enough to go with someone then, she should have brave enough to admit it too, and what she has done. Even if you have no objection to her past, still it is better to make a note of it and his details handy, coz in future anything happens between you, she will contact her old flame first than her family. Moreover, as per study most of the Women keep old flame as second option if her marriage fails, there are incidents wife, and her paramour swindled or murdered husband.

For sure no girl is ready to tell her adventures with other men before marriage. If she tells nothing was there, then your reply should be “If you find out she was with someone and she lied, you will go for Divorce” and if she says she dont want to marry then its 100% sure that she was involved earlier.

Some girls think men cannt find out about their past, I know one case when after 2 years of marriage, couple when to Doctor as she was having difficulties to getting pregnant, Doctor said as her earlier abortion damaged uterus its difficult to getting pregnant; to her husband that’s was sock of his life; anyone can imagine what happened next.
Not Divorced, but Girl tried to commit suicide(enacted) charges were filled on her husband for abetting and defamation, dowry case, Domestic violence case, maintenance and many more.

2. Family.
Get all details, of about her family, Family members contact numbers and addresses; if possible their history, Father/siblings work/Education, specially talk to her Elder brothers/Sisters wife/husband family as they may know something more than what her family says, as they know them before you.

3. Finance, Money matters and spending Habits.
Ask her monthly expenses, and what she like and dislikes, if she is earning, how much she is saving, where her accounts and other assets she has and what she inherit in details. No need to tell your expectations and limitations.

4. Online Flirtations.
Ask her about her online activities, contacts with old Friends/Classmates or whoever she is in contact daily; Her Facebook/Twitter/WhatsApp friends, check their conversations and words she use; if she is not ready to share then she is hiding something.

Indian girls have many options to harass and Blackmail men once married, but men have none; You can avoid any(many) future problems if you do above tasks. This is not about judge someone but safeguard yourself.

Now Feminists will comment cursing me.

1 thought on “What one should ask a Girl before marriage?

  1. this is superb advise, but I am sure very few of us will be implementing this advise, as we feel hesitate while asking such questions, but once we become victim of 498A,406 etc only then we come to know what should have been preventive measures in advance .

    I salute your post from core of my heart for the bravery shown here to safeguard men’s existance.

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