Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Solution to Stop law misuse and reduce backlog

There are reports of rampant misuse of Feminists made Gender biased laws like Section 498A IPC(Dowry Law) Domestic violence, custody, Maintenance and Divorce;

Most of the time men has no say when wife file these cases on men and most of the verdicts goes in favor of women, even she is at fault.

In one of the Recent Judgment [http://mynation.net/docs/244-1993/] it took 25 years for a man to get Divorce on Cruelty; by dragging such a long time, I do not understand what Indian judiciary really trying to prove.
If couple wanted to be Divorced and one spouse, has enough proofs, valid reason to prove or appeal for Divorce, why judiciary is dragging the case for decades? Ruining some innocent’s life and wasting judiciary valuable time.
If other spouse has objection when one spouse filed for divorce, he or she has to prove other spouse produced valid proofs, if failed, by default; there should be Divorce without dragging the case.

In Dowry case (s498A IPC), also Police or court should not take any case without valid proofs, nowadays most of the cases are taken on sob stories and crocodile tears of Women. If police take such complaints without valid proofs, they should subjected to Department/disciplinary action.
After filling case, if man prove all the allegation are false, then; women should be charged for Harassing, Defaming her husband and filling false case; and this should be valid reason for Divorce.

In domestic violence also, Women has to prove her all sob stories, at present burden of proof lies on men; just like 498a, in DVA also women should be charged for Harassing, Defaming her husband and also filling false case; and this should be valid reason for Divorce.
Best option to stop this misuse by inserting one Word in DVA, Spouse instead Women and rename as DVA instead PWDVA.

When couple separated, one parent should not be allowed to take child away from other parent, unless child is breast-fed. Law should not allow one parent to file for Custody until child is 18.
Father should visit child every week, until child is 5 year old, he can take child for outing, keep child with him on school holidays and Government appointed social workers or community leaders should decide who the best person to raise the child is.

If dowry law prohibits exchange of assets then alimony should be prohibited too; when women bring nothing when she comes to husband home, then why Law is forcing man to pay her. As per recent Amendment in inheritance/Property law women also get fathers property, and when Divorced if she work then she can maintain herself; Husband should support for one year maximum till she get Work.
There should not be default decree of maintenance when couple separated, that encourage women to breaks marriages and family. Because of WCD/NCW blessings and support, women knows even she caught red-handed; she will get money from husband.

These are the simple amendments in law can reduce filling of unwanted cases and burden on judiciary.

Even Judiciary, Law makers, Politicians, Judges, WCD/NCW knows about it, but no one is ready to do any change;
It’s a Judges and Lawyers nexus; Judges gives dates after dates and Lawyers will drag the case for decades, just to make money.
Police use their tactics to make money, harassing or blackmailing innocent.
Ministers and Politicians want more and more cases/complaints filled just to show there are huge number of cases filled by women; so they can get GRANTS and money from Abroad or government.

Anyone will agree other than WCD and NCW, to amend any of above laws; because all of them are Bread and butter for these Feminists; Because of its statistics they get money and Grant. Out of 100 cases even 99 acquitted or found to be false, WCD/NCW will tell 100 women faced domestic violence.

Women file False 498A or Domestic Violence, just to show in Maintenance case that she was subjected to harassment, even 498A and DVA found to be false later.
Same in Child custody too; Women take child with her and Law also give custody to mother, Father is natural guardian only in law books. Child is another tool to get extra maintenance; If Women really love her child then she should have demanded child Father should visit the child at least once a week; but she want money only, she do not want even his shadow fall on the child. In last 5000 years of History of India, not single such Women born so far, who wanted or demanded, father to visit/meet child once a week or once in Blue moon. That shows real motive of Feminists.


Phir bi mera Bharat Mahaaaaaaaaaan.

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We handle Women Centric biased laws like False Section 498A IPC, Domestic Violence(DV ACT), Divorce, Maintenance, Alimony, Child Custody, HMA 24, 125 CrPc, 307, 312, 313, 323, 354, 376, 377, 406, 420, 497, 506, 509; TEP, RTI and many more…