Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

India TV Video (Wife Beats Husband & Son)

Watch a 3-part video series (in Hindi from Gokulpr) of wife beating husband & son, followed by a discussion on government policy and more:


2 thoughts on “India TV Video (Wife Beats Husband & Son)

  1. Man this is the single case where a wife is beating her husband…

    How many videos shown by you telecast a husband beating his wife and abusing her and her family by using ugly abuses (which only degrades the moral value of a woman). ???
    How many videos shown by you telecast a woman crying and dying in the blaze of her inlaw’s impeachments and torture…??
    How many videos shown by you telecast a woman being beaten brutally by her husband in front of his whole family (including her mother in law) ???
    How many videos shown by you telecast a woman whose clothes are torn down because of physical assassination made by her husband ????
    How many videos shown by you telecast a small child crying and pleading his father to not to beat his/her mother and instead of stopping he abuses his child as m*******f****r????
    How many videos shown by you telecast a woman smiling in front of society with a puffy face and eyes. And instead of revealing the brutality of her husband to the society she saves the reputation of her husband by saying “Actually I slipped away in bathroom but my husband took a lot of care of mine. ” ????????

    There are many more topics dear…
    So STOP squawking on this single rare case.
    If you really want to change the face of this society then change the Perceptions of men about women.

  2. KNP ->I have celebrated 34 independence days by far but never seen any of those videos which you are talking about. Oh yes I have seen many fictitious movies and TV serials showing what you are dieing to see.

    Are you finding difficulty in accepting the reality? Studies conducted by an NGO shows 98% of husbands face domestic violence at least once, in as early as 2 years of their marriage. Because of the social stigma they were not telling anything outside and MEN generally tend to tolerate it thinking that they are SUPPOSED to be stronger sex.

    Do you have any reason to say why 65000 married men commit suicide every year compared to 34000 married women? You said it right this incident will definitely change the false perception of men about women and they are realizing the fact that he is not the only one who is silently suffering.

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