Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


There are more than 4 crore cases Pending in Indian courts, some are more than 25 years old, half of them are matrimonial cases. these are simple 4 directions can clear all backlog of Matrimonial cases, just in one year.

1).Punishment for false cases.

2).Replace word to Spouse instead Husband/Wife in Divorce/Maintenance

3).Maintenance to be paid by abusive spouse.

4).Both Parents should to get Equal rights and responsibilities in child Custody.

These are the 4 simple direction can clear and stop any law misuse, But India Judiciary or law makers will not do it. Coz they have to run the show of Circus called Justice to appease Women and same Politicians can use it as Vote Bank.

If there is Punishment for False case, no one will file false case, replacing word to spouse by giving opportunity to both man and women to prove who is right and anyone can report abuse/harassment against them.

And Abusive spouse will end up paying all the expenses and maintenance. Marriage is not about controlling one and live oneself happily, it’s like 2 wheels of same cart, and both should go hand in hand. If they want harass and abuse such person should not marry at all.

WCD/NCW is behind all the backlog of Indian Matrimonial cases. They influence, Government, not to make laws changes which ease backlog and people live happily. They want Women to control and dominate men and Family and in the name of Women WCD/NCW can mint money by getting funds from Government.

WARNING: Half of the Fake Lawyers will go out of Business, Courts will look deserted, and Possibility of Dogs/Cows take shelter, WCD/NCWs Circus of eMpower women will STOP

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