Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


Recently Supreme court of India issued guidelines for maintenance to Women. SC has framed guidelines on the issue of maintenance of wife, covering payment of Interim Maintenance, the criteria for determining the quantum of maintenance, the date from which maintenance is to be awarded, overlapping jurisdiction under different enactments for payment of maintenance and enforcement of orders of maintenance.

but it also order to produce both spouses assets and liabilities in the beginning, even before women is eligible to claim maintenance or not. and now every Family courts send notice as below.

This will expose Mans assets to Public, As there is no Data protection and nothing is secure in Indian courts, as highly classified files like RAFALE SCAM CASE vanish without trace then what is the guarantee Indian law system give to the Public.

Why to produce Financial details even before women is eligible to claim maintenance?

Not only all these Guidelines support Women, and do no better to Men. even in other orders of maintenance, most of the time interim is ordered in Domestic Violence cases even before DV is decided. Most of the time Women file DV even she caught redhanded with lover or for her mistakes still maintenance is ordered in her favor.

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