Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Bounty Hunter of Dead Beat Dads Dead

Jim Gouda, founder and hunter of dead-beat dads is dead from brain cancer. The now defunct Wantedposters.com had at one time the Ontario Dalton McGuinty’s Liberal government announcing it was considering its own deadbeat-parent website. With cries of cash only from supporters the self-rightious Mr. Gouda called on supporters to fund his crusade against dead-beat dads with no mention of access at all, as if dads didnt deserve access in any way. Well someone didnt seem to like him upstairs as brain cancer is not a nice way to go.

His wife, Dana, was quoted as saying, “the whole organization is unreachable and tainted with scandal and lies.” As of Aug 31, 2007 the site was taken down. – Intrepid

Hogan Courrier:

When the site was visited two years ago, the poster-of-the-week was a Hamilton man — born June 3, 1968 — who allegedly owed ex-wife some $4,700 in unpaid child support. It showed his picture. It gave his name. It gave his case number. And it gave his last known address. It took all of five minutes to track him down. He was listed in the phone book, at the address shown.

Reached by telephone, the now re-married man claimed he had been paying his ex-spouse $110 a week — “religiously” — for the last 13 years, even though she had not let him see their now 15-year-old daughter for the last three years, despite a court order. As for the amount the web site claimed he owed, he admitted that it was “technically correct,” although he was making restitution to the point that his weekly payments were now eating up half his paycheque. The web site, therefore, was “technically wrong.”

Well this should go as a warning to those who may be thinking of dealing with this issue as if the issue is only about cash only, and not about access never, with government backing no access in all but name in its attempt to bow before the PC crowed.

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