Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Alert! Canadian MRA Forum in Court This Week

Dateline: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
By: Intrepid & Maus
From: BC Fathers & The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

The PNEP partner BC Fathers will be in court this week under anti-freedom of speech legal actions by feminists & their supporters in the legal profession. The key decision in this judgment is whether anti-feminism is a “hate crime?” We will be providing wall-to-wall coverage with video U-Tube links and everything we can on the events as they unfold. If the BC Fathers Forum, like this My Nation Forum, gets shut down a new forum will be set up outside of Canadian juristiction and calls will go out for support from the other forums in the PNEP partnership.If emailing is necessary we would like to call on Indian men and women concerned with freedom of speech to overwhelm the targeted outlets.
Here is a response form BC Fathers:

Intrepid, They are in court from today until Friday. There will probably be a delay in passing judgment after that. The report recommending making us all “thought criminals” is still posted on Status of WHYmen’s site as if pleading for support of the recommendations.Win, loose, or draw every word of that procedure’s transcripts should be posted for public view on the internet and MRAs everywhere should blog and YOUTUBE it so that people know what a corrupt and cushy arrangement academic feminists have had under successive Socialist-Liberal governments. At least the current regime refuses to directly fund THAT BS.

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