Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

F4J Action in B.C.

Dateline: Burnaby B.C., Canada
By: F4J Canada
Via: The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

This morning before the sun arose the Burnaby Batman with the help of his trusted comrades scaled the Johnson street bridge in Victoria BC in protest. Our objective was to draw attention to parental alienation and to present our position on the current political parties running in the up
coming BC election on May 12/09.

From the front of the Johnson street bridge we unfurled a 20 foot by 20 foot banner that read “BC Liberals Alienating Families Since 2001″. On the rear of the bridge we hung a 8 by 10 No Dads Party (NDP) banner and on the side of the bridge a banner that read”Save Katy”. At the bottom of the bridge we hung another large banner that read “Parental Alienation Is Child Abuse”.

For more click: http://f4jcanada.com/BCPages/Burnaby_Batman_Victoria_Bridge_Action_2009.html

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