Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

India is worst than Guantanamo Bay(GTMO/GITMO).

This is a Comparison between India and Guantanamo Bay(GTMO/GITMO).

Reason :

Guantanamo Bay : Terrorism
India : IPC 498A (section 3 of Dowry prohibition Act, 1961.) Section 498A was inserted into the penal code in 1983/4

Area Covered :

Guantanamo Bay : 45 square miles (116 km)
India : 3,287,263 km (1,269,219.3 sq mi)

Accusation :

Guantanamo Bay : Detainees accused of supporting Terrorism and involved in Terrorist Activities.
India : Charged under False Accusation of Dowry Law (498A IPC) and treated as guilty till proven innocent.


Guantanamo Bay : Around 619 (estimated)
India : 79860 Per Year( 2008 NCRB data )

Location :

Guantanamo Bay : Camp Echo and Camp Delta. US Naval Base in South Cuba
India : Every Police Station of India.

Facilities :

Guantanamo Bay : Delta facility allows detainees to consult with lawyers. which have a shower and lavatory, plus four communal living rooms for 10 detainees each. In Camp 4, each detainee has a bed and a locker. Camp 4 detainees may eat their meals together.
India : As soon as FIR filled men are arrested and dumped in crowded locker where there is no place to sit and its stinking with Urine.(no need to tell there is no lavatory) one meal is Provided even it says Vegetarian but you can find fried / boiled worms.(Mostly half boiled) Most of the victims are not allowed to talk to lawyer or relatives till they secure bail bribing officials.

Rights :

Guantanamo Bay : International Organizations and Human rights activist fight for detainees.
India : Victim is Branded as criminals till he prove False case as False and that take not less than 10 years (As per Author experience). Here Men do not have any rights as Indian Judiciary is not treating them as Humans at all.

Victims :

Guantanamo Bay : Accused who involved in Terrorists and they have intelligence report and tracking of most of the Detainees.
India : Any Married Man, his Parents / Relatives / Friends / Children and even breast fed Babies.

Current Status :

Guantanamo Bay : 530 out of 619 of them are released in few Years and Allowed Petition to sue United States of America and President Obama Signed it to Close down this facility within a Year.
India : No sign of Amendment instead Feminists(NCW/WCD) demanding to make it more stringent. As per 2008 NCRB data 79860 Men are arrested (Plus at least 4 of his Family Members) per year. (Count 79860 + 4 each family Members X 26 years) and no report on any damage or defamation awarded for those Falsely accused after clearing their Accusations.

Now you decide which is Better…

Now you know Guantanamo Bay(GTMO/GITMO) is better than India.

Ref :
http://mynation.net/dowryact.htm [ About IPC 498A ]
http://mynation.net/pil/ [ PIL against IPC 498A ]
Study Report on Indian Men
Study Report on IPC 498A
AutoBioGraphy of a Dowry Law Victim [ Guilty till Proven Innocent ]

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