Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Government – Pro or Anti People

Most of the countries of the World are Democratic Countries, or similar version of same Government.

For the People, by the People, that’s what we think. But in reality it’s not so.
We think, Selected and elected representative make good governance for the wellbeing of its People, but reality is totally opposite of people belief.

Once elected they think, all Ministers has wholesale license to make Policies are laws as they wanted, they never ask People for opinions.
They always Policies which will not affect them or question them, find yourself is there any
Bad Governance Accountability?
Bad judicial Accountability?

Ordinary people has no option to question Ministers, Puppet Judiciary, Lokapal all are toothless against ministers. Once elected for next 5 years all ministers make money to contest next election and no law to question how much benamy assets they have after 5 years.

In every budget session government announce some 10 to 20 billion to various projects. Government spend on Defense, law and order, infrastructure maintenance, Salary of Public servants etc.
But total income of government is 10times more than what they spend.
Just imagine Tax collected.
Tax on movable and immovable properties which are sold again and again.
Revenue from export
Everyone is paying money for every government service, nothing comes free, and most of the time you have to pay even you are not available of the service.
Where all this money goes…?

People think they run the government, but it’s the Capitalists who run the government.

Petrol and Energy charges in India is higher than neighboring countries, Private companies run the show charging more to government, share of whatever over charged goes to ministers or Party funds of the ruling parties, opposition will not oppose cause it’s for mutual benefit if they come to power after 5 years.

Government want to see, people sick, there are alternative medicines which proved to be cure cancer or other diseases, using Hemp etc., but Government will not allow people to grow hemp or make their own medicines, coz big multinational companies are not getting any money if people cure themself.

same way people invented Alternate energy technology to make their own power and go off-grid but Government stop them nor they themself are not doing because conventional power companies goes out of business if people generate their own power, so they pay government to prevent them from Inventing these technologies.

Government never make laws without loopholes are useful, if all problems solved then there is no need of Government and government want no one will question them also.

Smoking is injurious to health and Indian government is spending around 30,000 million every years on diseases of smoke, but they will not Ban it coz cigarette and medical firms paid Ransom for not to BAN it.

Height of all this Government is giving license to multi nationals companies to brew Alcohol, which is not at all healthy, because these companies paid huge amount for licenses and its revenue for government but they will not allow you to brew at home for your own consumption that’s illegal coz from that Government is not making any money.

Think yourself what your Government is…?

This applies to not only India but Every country

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