Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Human Rights …?

Everybody is babbling in vain about Human Rights in the society. Various women organizations are forming a formidable coalition to promote women empowerment in the country for the purpose of giving equal (?) rights to women. The Indian tradition says that women should be revered and respected for their sanctity and supportive nature. The time has changed. Women not only have become financially and socially independent (which is indeed positive) but they have even taken the issue of equality way too long. The disposition of women in the society towards men has changed to a great extent. Women have begun to understand the loopholes in various Indian Laws that could be exploited for their own interest. It wasnt such an issue until such practice has become alarmingly prevalent in India especially in urban areas. This malpractice have lead many families to turn towards committing suicide for being unable to withstand the trauma that permeates their heart. Society, apparently, is on the verge of a major collapse due to such malpractice by todays women.

Women organization, on the other hand, hasnt left any stone unturned to make matters worse. The Government is beginning to enact/amend laws that are biased favoring exclusively women. The recent facts recorded on women taking on crime against men are pretty much convincing that women are no longer the Indian Women who deserved to be respected. Women have stretched the issue of human rights way too much to be healthy for the society. Cant we all live together in peace towards a better and progressive society and nation ?

Every woman is focusing on Human Rights. What about Human Responsibility ? Have we done enough for the society, for the mankind, for the Earth ? Perhaps, the selfish ego has still survived even after knowing that it only brings chaos and destruction. Human beings have evolved in a very mysterious ways for many thousands of years and have understood that human being is supposed to be the most intelligent species on Earth. We have surpassed several calamities and crisis and have come out victorious by maintaining our existence. With the process of civilization, we have filtered a lot many unjustified traditions formed in those good old days that are inapplicable in the present times for inexplicable reasons. Now, we are in the middle of the process of disintegration of a sacred relationship between humans; Marriage. Marriage ceremony has been followed for more than eight thousand years and the time has come to say goodbye. Thanks to Indian women. Nobody would have predicted such a disastrous day. Nobody.

Instead of grappling for Human Rights, we must understand our responsibility. Freedom never comes for free. A price that is always unknown in the beginning has to be paid for freedom, which our ancestors have understood long ago. Especially, the freedom that people are now craving is not in the best interest of all mankind. We must know our boundaries. Science becomes a boon when it joins with conscience. If science joins hands with freedom, it will only bring disaster. Today, conscience has become even more vital for our survival. When people disintegrate to achieve freedom by unfair means that violates the basic principles of Nature, life disintegrates and will be manifested on the Earth (climatic changes, natural calamities). How can such a freedom be so worthy which will only snip the hands of our coming generation ? How can we be so selfish that we ignore our basic duty to support mankind ?

India is in such a vulnerable position because of corrupt politicians, distorted educational system, biased laws, feminism, prejudice media, and indiscriminate social norms. For the sake of own selfish egoistic motives people have ruined the very human understanding about life. Life has become so fast and invisible, that we can’t even perceive where we are heading. We must never forget where we come from. Our past some day existed to teach us important lessons, which we are ready to forget for an uncertain future for the sake of freedom. We have not yet taken a stroll around the basic principles of nature that supports our existence. Let not the sand of destiny slip through our hands. Lets not forget the duty that follows with higher intelligence and power that exists in human being.

Rights and Responsibility are the two sides of the same coin. Right (Privilege) and Responsibility (Obligation). People want rights without responsibility. The world would have been such a great planet in our universe if we had performed our duty towards mankind. It is never too late.
Our planet need us, our species need us, DO SOMETHING.

Originaly Posted on [http://presentindia.blogspot.com/2005/10/human-rights.html]

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