Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Present India

The present status of India is enumerated below.

India is fundamentally a agricultural country which is predominantly dependent on monsoon season. This naturally implies that most of the India’s population is below poverty line who are barely able to live in a village where there is hardly any basic essential infrastructure like water supply, electricity, communication, hospital and transport facilities. The literacy in these rural areas too is below average level which makes them much vulnerable to the economic pressures. Their lifestyle is prone to domestic discomfort and social offence. This is one of the reason which can be attributed to the increase in crime against women. The political structure of the country is such that most of the politicians have an official criminal record and have no competence in running a country like India. They would – to gain vote from uneducated poor people – introduce various provisions, schemes and reservation only to please them by ignoring likely consequences in the urban areas where such provisions and reservation turns out to be gravely unfavourable for the economic stability.

The legal constitution of the country too is full of flaws that potentially disrupts the whole family structure of the society. Women liberation and empowerment program which was introduced to achieve equality in the country unexpectedly is having a serious repercussion on the social structure. Women have always been revered in India for their purity and sanctity unlike in western countries. With the advent of liberalisation and globalisation, Indian family have opened up the doors of education to their daughters and provide them independent livelihood. This wasn’t the case in the rural areas where family can’t afford to send their daughters to school/college. The general belief appears to be that the daughter would be handling the only the household work after marriage and wasn’t necessary to send her to school when the family is in such a poor condition. Women have interpretated such a phenomenon in a very unreasonable manner. Women began to blame the men for depriving women for their basic rights and compelled the Government to declare that men are the cause of all women suffering. This ignited the fire in all the women in India to fight back with men instead of fighting with their own paranoia to gain respect and exercise their basic rights. Government supported this mass campaign (war) of women against men only to gain their votes during the election period.

Subsequent to the mushrooming of women’s organisations in India and undertaking mass campagning, they decided to coerce the Government to change the rules for women. Women were beginning to enjoy higher status in various walks of life as against men. However, given the name of Gender Sensitizing program, the implementation of the plans were distorted and directed towards harassing men and making them vulnerable and defenseless in the society. This was implemented in such a subtle manner that men appreciated the achievements that women made without considering that these rules of giving equal status to women was infact a decoy. A picture was portrayed that women are exploring their potentials and achieving the status of being equal to men. Little did the people and the Government know that this was just a tip of an iceberg. Women empowerment program initiation is a decoy to direct the thinking pattern of the people and the Government towards better economic and social condition of the country. The actual motivating force behind these programs were only to manipulate the system and persuade the Government to make such rules/laws that can be used to control men “legally”. Its despairing to know that women of India who were being heartly revered for centuries are ploying such wicked conspiracy in the country. People never had anticipated such a period in the country like India that women would turn into a sadist who were once considered holy and pure. Till date these subtle and savage intentions of women behind the program of women empowerment were invisible. Only after the increasing feminism and misuse of laws that is causing the social infrastructure to collapse, people are beginning to realise that women empowerment is not meant to stablise the socio-economic condition of India as expecpted. Now women can send a man to jail with one false statement and she need not have to prove her credibility. Men don’t even have “Rights” to defend himself and prove that he is innocent. This precarious condition of male gender in India is prevalently ignored which is caused by women’s paranoia.

Much political and strategic thinking has gone into such women’s empowerment development. They (women) began to present false reports about increasing crime against women to the Government compelling them to make the laws/rules much more strigent and draconian. Government – to gain their vote – agreed to accept their proposed amendments in legal structure that is gradually turning out to be a poison to social infrastructure. However, this does not end here. Women have learnt the tricks of the trade and know what all rules they need to control men legally and how to get those rules enforceable. It appears to be that this program of women empowerment has just reached it growing phase and will come forward with much more barbaric and inhuman plans for Indian men. It is spiteful that the people and Government are unaware of their suicidal silence.

Indian men on the other hand are still oblivion of the alarming situation. They are too vulnerable and can easily become victim of women “charm”. Even if men are aware of such situation in India, they would pleasantly ignore believing that such horrific incident won’t happen in their personal life and think ‘so why to worry about others’. The statistics about misuse of laws by women (90% false dowry, more than 50,000 false case in India in a year) does not wake them up from their fascinating dreams. Many Non-resident Indians who married to an Indian woman have gone through a traumatic experience of seeing their own parents in jail in India. This condition is paralytical and can cause devastating consequences in the coming generation if no action has been taken to stop this dynamite.
Women are calling the shot, they are exercising their strategic power under the blanket of ‘weaker sex’ tag that they are given, they are controlling the Government’s judgment, they are controlling the media and corporate world, they are enjoying the freedom of misusing laws to their advantage. Men – on the other hand – are glad to see attractive women all over the places without realising their vulnerability and inability to protect themselves from such a malignant invasion. Some men are still in the dark following the belief that women are sacrosanct and can never be considered as punishable for any offence. Indian Men have lost the idea that even if they (men) are innocent, they (men) can be sent to jail with one false statement of a woman. Such a grave and despicable situation fails to make Indian men realise about their vulnerability and right to protect themselves. Men who have become victims of these devilish women’s power conspiracy have realised the intensity of this dangerous system and the rest of the men are sticking to the century old beliefs about women’s grace and purity.

Increase in misuse of laws by women are alarmingly high, women’s empowerment program is subtly creating a culture of hating, controlling and dominating men in India, Government is regularly approving the proposed amendments in laws to strengthen women’s social and economic status after which they can harass and extort money from men “legally”, media has been taken over by these women to manipulate mass campaign that would stifle men to no end and cause social imbalance.

If you are a man and would like to see your children to live like a slave to your daughter-in-law after she kicks you out of your own house, you happily sit back and fantacize about attractive women who are killing society and family like a virus.
If you don’t want the above to happen then do not keep quiet. Your silence is adding fuel to fire. Understand women’s savage yet subtle intentions and seek justice and equality to protect yourself and your family. Men have already delayed to act on this crisis but its never too late.

Your silence is killing thousands.


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