Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

My Husband is Impotent and the Truth is…

One Lady approached us for Advice, she said she is married for 2 years but she is not getting Pregnant.

I replied she is not getting Pregnant that doesn’t mean that He is impotent, there may be many reason. Have you done medical checkup I asked.

Yes we have gone through all, both are ok but they gave me some Folic Acid tablets and asked to change my diet and said his count is less. See he has problem. She replied.

OK. Has Doctor prescribed any medicine for him if he has problem, why they gave you tablets and asked to change your diet when you say you are ok. I asked.

That’s OK, she continued… He is not interested in sex. Everyday coming home at 8PM from work, take bath, eat and go to sleep.

You are a Housewife then, He may exhausted after coming from work.

No not like that, he has small and he is not doing much. She said.

I replied, how do you know, how long to do and whom you compare as his size is small, did you had Boy friend before?




Todays Indian Women Blame Men for all their problems, even its their mistake. for small reason they want Divorce. because they get Maintenance / alimony even its her Fault. Indian Judiciary is really Blind” Common man exclaimed.

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