Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


Delhi, INDIA, July 4, 2018 – Today is the landmark day in the history of legal circles and is 19th Anniversary of the FIRST notorious case of LEGAL TERRORISM as our Hon’ble supreme court, has famously said wherein, an young man of 32 years, Mr. Rudolph D’souza was slapped with totally fake and false cases under IPC Sections 498 a, 323, 504 and 506 and sent him to jail, on just totally unverified, concocted, statements by his wife in a police station to a police officer. This young man, had just married her 2 years back without ever demanding or taking a single rupee of dowry, and had never dreamt that he would be pushed behind bars one day, just by marrying her, losing his dignity, honors, respect and social standing in the society he lived in.

His wife left his house in Vasai – Thane, Maharashtra on that fateful day, and filed Dowry case on him 2 weeks later i.e., on 4th July 2000, she gave complaint to Police. This young man, was shocked to see the police waiting for him at his house on the same day evening, when he just returned from his work, without ever realising the danger lurking before him, when the police pulled him over, holding his collar in front of all his neighbors, dragging him and arrested him, took him to Police station, like a dreaded criminal.

When he reached Vasai Police station, to his utter shock and disbelief, charge sheet was kept ready to be filed against him, without ever holding any enquiry or demanding any evidence from his wife about dowry demands or ill treatment to his wife. They even forced him to sign on a blank Paper. They kept him locked up with other criminals, and he spent whole night standing, holding those iron bars of lockup, cursing his fate, crying and suffering in silence, the ignonimony of being locked up.

Next day Police took him handcuffed to court as he is notorious criminal, murderer or Terrorist and produced him to court and he was released on Bail. After that day, he was forced to appear in the court, date after date continuously, though his wife never came to court for a Single day in the next 19 years long time and yet the Judge never summoned her to be present or dismissed the case. In 2013 this hapless young man, appealed to the honorable High Court of Bombay yet, there was no action taken on her for misusing the law, nor no relief was given to this man of 32 years, who lost his youth suffering enormously.

Since then there are thousands and lakhs of fake cases, filed in the police stations and the courts of law, all over the country, where 98% of these cases are getting acquitted after prolonged years of trials, agony, sufferings, not only for the young men, but all their aged and infirm parents, grand parents, young and old married and unmarried sisters and brothers, small children as young as 2 years, and very elderly senior citizens as old as 90 years are pushed into lock up, dragged to police stations, weeks after weeks, in the name of investigations and justice to the so called aggrieved young women.

Mr. Nagraj Thadur, Secretary of MyNation Hope Foundation, a nonprofit, NGO, started by an aggrieved young man Mr. Rudolph Dsouza, Says, If women file case or send Tweet also our Ministers ready to Help them, spending Lakhs of rupees, Suspend officials or order to take action of Officials who do their duty, but if Man report of Abuse of Law, Misuse of Law or Crime by women no Officials or Minister take any Action, we gets daily at least 20 desperate calls from such unfortunate young men who are dragged into this legal terrorism. This totally fake, concocted, stereotyped 498a , Domestic violence and Dowry demand complaints, resulting in FIRs, charge sheets which are nothing but copy ,paste forms, except with change of names of persons, places and times, have given rise to an industry full of extortionists, corrupt police officials, greedy unethical lawyers, who even connive with the opposite party lawyers, and keep the cases dragging for many years, with no respite by an ever sympathetic women centric judiciary, influenced by women’s commissions, women’s rights groups squeezing and leeching the hapless young men, their money, their professional life, youthfulness, even driving them to suicides, destroying their dreams, aspirations, pushing their family of parents, brothers and sisters to deep sorrow and distress.

Suicides among men are far more than women and have been steadily rising over the years, whereas suicides amongst women have remained same since many decades. Even the young married wives with their abnormal bloated ego, demanding and narcissistic ideas, supported by their money minded parents, ready to compromise with demands of lakhs of rupees cash and huge properties, destroy their own personal life, always struggling to live with father less young children, fighting for maintenance for themselves and their children from the distraught husbands through the ever obliging courts.

This is the time when the society, governments, politicians, parents of young women should wake up from the slumber, restore the sanctity of famous stable, Indian marriages, prevent these tragedies of families with father less children, single parent families, and stop this steeply deteriorating trend in divorces and deaths amongst men.

If someone file case and is not coming to court that itself shows, its filed on False ground, Even BLIND, DEAF can tell its FALSE but not Indian Judiciary. If women file case Judge / Court take it as suo Moto and fight aginst her husband, but in this they will not waste their valuable time and money coz case is filed against Man. that show In India Man life has no Value.
I must say here and NOW, Enough is enough.



  1. It is true from my case, which dragged for 8 years and one fine day in loud voice i told to judge that the plaintiff nor evidence from wife’s side is not coming to court from last three years, this turned my case and after that another two years case ran and it was dismissed, by that time i lost 10.5 years of my golden life…………..

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