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Do Indian`s Really have Independence ?

India attained freedom from the British following an independence movement on August 15 1947, August 15th is a day of celebration, a day when all Indians rejoice in their freedom, but we forgot those who laid down their lives for this freedom struggle.

Many unsung hero’s fought for the freedom in a hope that all Indians will be FREE and Liberated. With 395 Articles and eight Schedules, the Indian Constitution is the largest written constitution in the world.

After all these Efforts do Indians really have Independence, Liberty, FREEDOM… and Rights.?

Decades ago one gentleman who had seen both the British administration and Indian administration, used to say that the British Administrated India was far better than the Indian administered India. He recalled at the time of World War II, the British supplied rice from Burma which was having better fragrance than today’s best quality rice. Law and Order was best at the time of the British, Many Indians were holding high Status and were having better Jobs. They did not treat all Indians like SLAVES compared to today’s politician who thinks he is the king and treats the common man like a slave. Structures such as buildings, bridges and Monuments which were built by the British are still standing tall and will be so for some more time to come, Comparing this field of development, even after all the modern technologies that are available the Indian administrators cannot build a structure without any flaws, this is the case, cause every politician is corrupt and selfish, and thinks only of his pockets, he/she concentrates on the fact as to how much money will be credited to their account rather than concentrating on the quality of the structure, as a result much more money is spent on the maintenance of the structure and also at times loss of human life.

IT IS BETTER TO EAT GOLD IN SLAVERY, THAN EAT SHIT IN FREEDOM, That’s the conclusion, in simple words.

India is a Democratic Country, By the People, For the People. these are the words only for text books or in the constitution of India, but in reality, once the Politician gets elected, they become high profile thieves, they get blinded by money and are not interested in the problems of the common man whom they are supposed to be representing.

Not only state level ministers have illegally earned money in Swiss Banks, Even local politicians, such as Corporator’s or MLA’s amass plenty of unaccounted wealth. Every politician on completion of his/her term, acquires assets worth Billions as compared to the salary he/she was earning during his/her tenure.

Ministers once elected are not concerned about the well being of the masses, they are only concerned about themselves, they make laws or change laws to suit their requirements, not the requirement of the common man. These same very ministers who went to the common man before the elections, making promises to the common man, once elected forgets all the promises that he/she had made and is only concerned with his/her selfish motives.

The In thing today is the word “Scam”, in a country like India, the common man is so accustomed to read the newspaper headlines in the morning concerning come scam somewhere in India, if the common man does not see any such thing in the newspapers in the morning, he/she thinks that something is seriously wrong, he/she thinks that their day has not started well, cause they have not read about any scam in the news.

All these scams that are happening are carried out by politicians, and why do these politicians carry out these scams, cause they are well aware of the fact that nothing ever happens, no money that has been stolen is returned cause there is no law that will force them to return the money, and on the other hand all these scams have every politician involved, meaning the ruling party as well as the opposition, they are foes only in the face of the common man. Once a common man gets involved in any legal matter, he/she spends the rest of their life running from pillar to post, but when a politician is involved in any scam, he/she gets away with it by taking laws into their own hands.

Since the Judiciary system is not in place the common man suffers a lot, if a common man is accused of some crime that he has not committed, it will take him years to prove that he is innocent, and will never be compensated for the stress, trouble, harassment and loss that he has undergone.

There are so many Scam’s by Politicians, many demoted from their Post but there is no Mechanism to get the money back that they swindle
No rights to impeach Politicians. They get whole sale license to do Wrong things and same people who elected them cannot call them Back.
No rights for Men, Only Women and Dogs have Rights and ministries. All Family related Laws are biased aginst men and all in favor of Women only.
No rights to eat, Politicians will dictate what to eat and what not by Banning Beef etc. when People go hungry, Politicians are not responsible for them.
No rights to travel and settle freely. Fundamentals along with regional Political Parties dictate who will go where, ignoring National unity.
Justice delayed, Justice denied, No wonder there are more than 4 crore cases are Pending in India, no need to say People never get justice in their Life time.
No Mechanism to compensation for Political/Judicial Wrong doing; Anyone Falsely Charged or Victim of Political wrong doing; Government of India is not responsible for misery of the People. Law and Justice only Apply’s to Rich, Politicians and who has muscle Power, not for the Majority Ordinary common Man
Fundamental/Communal Forces will Dictate with whom you will talk / stay or marry. coz they have Political parties Blessings.

All these things you can check Yourself, no need to explain.
Check assets of every Politicians.
Check Law and order situation of India.
Living Condition of citizens
Price rise and Value of Food and essential commodities.
Rise of Fundamentalism and Terrorism.

and Lastly;

If you speak TRUTH Against Government / Politicians you will be Branded as Anti Nationals(Indian) / Naxalite / Communists and Off course Terrorist instead Patriot. and no one will support them, coz all are afraid of their life and Family Security. These Politicians / Police and Government can do anything.



and you have FREEDOM to comments on these Views.
Thank you, Luis Jude Miranda for Grammar / Spell check

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