Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

India Vs. China – Whos Better

In today’s BBC[04/11/2012] talk show “BOSTON Calling” they were talking about a BBC reporter visited China, at the time of Flood in China, Reporter visited a small village,where villages lost everything in flood, and when they came to know BBC reporters are there to make…


I am a TAX payer of India, I have no hidden assets and i paid all my dues on time, that what i did for my country. just like me, there are thousands of Soldiers gave their life to Country. It is said India is…

How to make easy Money in INDIA.

There are many ways to earn money by noble ways or Hard work; but i am not talking about, do a job a get paid for it, but i am writing about how to make easy money more than the work you do, you can…

Do Indian`s Really have Independence ?

India attained freedom from the British following an independence movement on August 15 1947, August 15th is a day of celebration, a day when all Indians rejoice in their freedom, but we forgot those who laid down their lives for this freedom struggle. Many unsung…

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