Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Modern Brave Indian Girls

As a Web Master and a Forum Admin, I came across many marital problem related questions from many men, almost 600+ of them. Most of them separated because they had differences about sharing marital responsibilities, Finance and girls family interference.
Whatever reason may be Marriage is not be Divorced; if Girl is good, then most of the marriages will not break.
I am not blaming only girls, men also sometime responsible but in small percentage. However, surprisingly almost 50% of the reason behind divorce is Mobile, Facebook and WhatsApp.
Because of this modern technology, finding a friend is just click away. Not only Women who are at home find someone but on the move, also they will be in contact with someone with Mobile and WhatsApp, which ultimately fall prey to a stranger.
I seen mobiles in elementary school children hands, and there is no control in sharing anything; Photos, Audio or video, there are vultures always waiting for the prey, and at young age girls fall prey. Free sex videos available and shared and they know more than their parents do at an early age.

Even I asked some Girls, and they are so bold they defend their Action, They say Life is to enjoy; it is their body and so called husband/Life Partner/companion/spouse is not there when she wanted desperately.
They do not have any regrets; they say all those are sweet memories, which will guide them to lead happy life ahead.
They say it is an Experience, which will help, in their marital life.
They say they want to know/learn difference in men, so they try more than one.
They are not only Bold to do anything but brave enough to tell would be about their adventures of teenage, and those who rejected them, they call them as narrow-minded.
They not only have pre-marital Affair but they want to continue too; they say they will meet husband urge, but husband should not stop them to go to anyone because it is their body; that’s the Ultimate one.
They are not ashamed of what they have done, some try to hide with Future husband but later get Divorced because of their past.
These girls not only ruin their future but some times they ruin two or more innocent men, pre marital men they are with as well as innocent husband who believe in chastity.

This is the thinking of Today Girls; too much open-minded until their Brains fall out and Divorced. Because they know Head they win, Tail they win because Government of India courtesy of Gender biased laws which hit jackpot for them.

2 thoughts on “Modern Brave Indian Girls

  1. Sad state of affairs in Indian history, very forthright article, well done.

  2. This becomes a vicious cycle for such girls..they marry some man, grab money and property and after sometime divorce him an spoil life of other men,even they spoil lives of other married men and their wives and children

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