Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

WCD/NCW has answer for this ?

In Today India most of the girls have had pre-marital affair, it is very difficult to get so called Virgin girl, coz Girls virginity and chastity is a myth in today’s India.
They are brave enough to have one night stand but not bold enough to tell parents or future husband before marriage. This is one of the reason to divorce in India; because in today India, India women has Women Organization support and NCW/WCD blessings, once ex-minister Renuka Choudhury said, Its Time to men to suffer. So motive is clear, these women organizations do not want to see happy families and healthy relations, but they want to encash with broken families and bastard children who are future of India.

This article I found on MID-DAY newspaper;

I got married three weeks ago. It was an arranged marriage fixed by my parents. I met her a couple of times before the wedding. She appeared to be nice and caring. Everything thing went off well. We even went for our honeymoon to Ooty. Last week, she dropped a bomb. She told me she was having an affair with a guy whom her parents disapproved of. She had told them that she had cut off ties with him, but it was a lie. The guy and she continued their relationship. When her marriage was being fixed, she did not have the guts to tell her folk about him. He told her that she can get married, but to remain in touch with him. So she did exactly what he said. It was his suggestion to spill the beans to me after some weeks of the marriage. I am shattered and broken for being taken for a ride. I have given her a piece of mind, but she says she cannot forget him. She has told me to not tell her family about it. I don’t even feel like seeing her face anymore.
— Virat

WCD/NCW or any Women Organization has answer for this?
There is no law to punish such women but if man refuse to marry such women if he find out before marriage, Law can punish him.
If women is raped, whole India comes out to streets; but not a sigh for ruining an innocent man life and his shattered dreams.
I can feel his pain coz i am one of them.

1 thought on “WCD/NCW has answer for this ?

  1. It pained a lot to hear this story. I can feel the pain too as I went through harassment in the hands of my wife.
    The entire nation is sitting on a time bomb named feminism. When will the general public realize that even if they are not suffering, in the future surely some close relative will suffer this.

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