Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Indian WMDs (Weapons of Men Destruction)


Some time back, United States of America was on the lookout for weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, which it assumed, the country may use on itself or on its allies. These WMD can destroy all life instantly. But the American military did not find any so called WMD in Iraq. Well, in reality, these WMDs are not in Iraq but in INDIA. These are called Weapons of Men Destruction.

Most of these WMDs are proposed and designed by NCW ( National Commission for women ) and WCD ( Ministry for Women and Child development ) with one goal in mind i.e. to harass and blackmail men and ruin their careers and financial positions, so they cannot lead a happy life and die inch by inch every day. These Indian WMDs are worse than the so called Iraqi WMDs because WMDs of Iraq can kill people instantly  but these Indian WMDs are meant  for slow death.

You may wonder which are these Indian WMDs.

1st Place goes to IPC 498A (DP3) also known as Dowry Law: Under this law, one word by a wife is enough to land husband in jail without any formal investigation. She can name anyone along with her husband, like his old parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, relatives and even servants. There are many news reports of even police arresting a 4 month old breast feeding baby under this law. Any daughter in law can file a false case and there is no punishment for filling false cases and burden of showing proof lies on men. Police, Judges and Lawyers knows about this misuse, but for them it is a money making opportunity and these cases go on for not less than 5 years minimum. These Police and Lawyers suck men blood by harassing them ruin their career, and  if man is in a government  job he will lose his job as its criminal case, non bailable and non-compoundable. Under this Act, there is a 5 year punishment for giving dowry, but to date, no women or her family has been arrested for giving dowry. They report the case, only when the marriage is sore and on the brink of divorce. This Law was enacted in 1984.

2nd Place goes to Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA), this was enacted in 2006. Under this Law, daughter in law can file case on any male member of husband family, saying she was harassed mentally and physically. We have proof that some women have even filed a case just because she was asked to make tea for her husband and his friends. Under this law she can name any male members or husband’s friends even if she has never met or seen them before and the police will take action on them. Burden of proof lies on men. In today’s world, cooking and cleaning is considered to be harassment for women and today, most of the women do not know how to cook. Some have never been to the kitchen or do not even know where the kitchen is. They think their husband is a FREE ATM machine and he has to pay all her bills. That is his responsibility and he has no right to question what she is doing, where or with whom she is going and if questioned or the flow of money is reduced will be resulted in domestic violence false case.

3rd Place goes to Maintenance (HMA). If man wants a Divorce, then he has to maintain his wife,  that’s Law; but In India, even if a women runs away with her lover or she want out of marriage siting some above False cases, the court will force the man to pay her. Most of the time, courts do not verify whether a man is capable to pay as much as women demand or he has that much source of income or not. There are judgments even on unemployed men; the court imposes maintenance by force. In one of Bombay HC case, the court forced the man to pay for the illegitimate child too. Here the women are not wrong to have illegitimate child, but if a man stop his wife from meeting her lover that leads to harassment. One Gujarat judgment says married women have the right to enjoy life outside marriage.

Divorce: women can file a case for divorce siting any of above false cases or, even when she gets caught red handed with her lover, she can blame husband for this situation. With Divorce, she will get add-on package as interim maintenance and the man has to pay her for no fault of his. She will get divorce within a year. But for men, there are limited options for divorce, he has no supporting laws to file false cases as above, even if his wife has run away with her lover and to prove that she will not come back, he has to wait for 7 years.

Child Custody: Out of 10,000 custody cases only 1 or 2 fathers get his custody of his child. The law says the father is a natural guardian; well that’s only in the law books. In reality, he never gets custody of his child. If women is a prostitute or has deserted her child and goes abroad, she will get custody of her child by default. Till the age of 5, even the father has no right to ask for his child custody, but he has to pay for the child support only. This law is designed to make money for women from her husband, so the law gives her default custody till the child is 5 years, so women can raise her child and brainwash the child to hate his / her Father.

Outraging modesty (354 IPC): any women can file a case on any man for no reason and men are arrested without any formal investigation. Burden of proof lies on men,  but if a woman does the same thing, a man has no supporting laws to protect him.

Above are already existing WMDs, but there are many more in NCW / WCD menu.

Marital Rape: A wife can have consensual sex with her husband and the next day,  she can report it to the police that she was raped by him.

Marital Cruelty: Promising a women to marry her later and then get married to someone else, leads to cruelty to her. But if a woman does the same to a man, that’s not a cruelty to him.

Sexual Harassment at work Place: If a male employee shows or tells something which is even work related to a woman,  she can report it to the police as sexual harassment for her. Man should not show that she is wrong, or If a female employee does not like some male employee, she can file a case against him simply to harass him and the burden of proof lies on men. Recently a women army major filed a case on her seniors, later she was proved wrong, but she did not have to compensate them for a  year of false accusation or punishment for filing a false case.

Accusation:  In various accusation men and women file accusations to each other, in family related matters mostly Divorce / maintenance / Custody most of the time court hardly verify these minor accusations. In divorce cases, women can state in her petition to make her case stronger, that her husband was having affair, even if in reality, she was caught red handed having an extra marital affair. For women, no proof is required to write anything, but if man says something,  it is regarded as harassment to her and NCW demands punishment for such accusation.






Causing Miscarriage 312 IPC Non Cognizable 3 to 7 yrs.

Causing Miscarriage without consent 313 IPC Cognizable. Life or 10 yrs.

Death caused while causing miscarriage without Woman’s Consent 314 IPC Cognizable. 10 yrs. or Life

Act done to prevent child being born alive or to cause it to be after birth 315 IPC Cognizable 10 yrs.




Kidnapping 363 IPC Cognizable. 7 yrs.

Kidnapping women to compelmarriage, seduced to illicit inter course, etc. 366 IPC Cognizable. 10 yrs.

Procuration of minor girl under 18 years 366-A IPC Cognizable. 10 yrs.

Importation of girl 366-B IPC Cognizable. 10 yrs.




Punishment for Rape or Life time376 IPC Cognizable 7 to 10 yrs.

Intercourse by a man with him during Separation 376-A IPC Cognizable 2 yrs. & Fine

Intercourse by public servant with woman in his custody 376-B IPC Cognizable 5 yrs. & Fine

Intercourse by Superintendent of jail, remand home, etc. 376-C IPC Cognizable 5 yrs. & Fine

Intercourse by any member of the management or staff of a hospital with any woman in that hospital 376-D IPC Cognizable 5 yrs. & Fine

Unnatural Offences-carnal intercourse 377 IPC Cognizable Life or 10 yrs.




Cohabitation caused by deceitfully inducing her under belief of lawful marriage 493 IPC Non-Cognizable 10 yrs.

Marrying again during life time of wife (away for 7 yrs.) 494 IPC Cognizable 7 yrs.

Going through unlawful marriage ceremony496 IPC Cognizable 7 yrs.

Enticing, detaining a during women with criminal intention 498 IPC Cognizable 2 yrs.




Abetment of suicide 306 IPC Cognizable 10 yrs. & Fine

Cruelty by Husband or Relatives-Mental or physical 498 A IPC Cognizable 3 yrs.

Uses indecent language or behaves in a disorderly committed in manner in a public street the Presence or public place of police (KP Act – Karnataka Police Act) 92 -(o)- K.P.Act Cognizable if Fine of Rs.100

Uses in any street abusive or insulting words or affixes or exhibits any indecent, threatening abusive or insulting paper or drawing with intent to provoke 92 -(r)-K.P.Act -do- -do5



Outraging modesty, use of criminal force with intention to outrage her modesty 354 IPC Cognizable 2 yrs.

Outraging modesty by Uttering gesture, sound 509 IPC Cognizable 1 yrs.



Dowry Death: –(Death of 304-B-IPC Cognizable 7 yrs. to Life

A woman is caused by otherwise than normal circumstances within 7 years of her marriage and it is shown that soon before the death she was subjected to cruelty or harassment by her husband or relative for, or in connection with, any demand for dowry)

Penalty for giving or taking Dowry (D.P.Act) 3 Dry.Pro.Act. Cognizable 5 yrs. & Fine

Penalty for demanding Dowry (D.P.Act) Dry.Pro.Act. Cognizable 6 months to 2 yrs. & Fine



Punishment for living on the earnings of prostitution,Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act Cognizable 2 yrs. or Fineor Both

Procuring inducing or taking woman or girl for the sake of prostitution Immoral Traffic (Prevent) Action Cognizable 3 to 7 yrs. &Fine

Detaining a woman or girl in premises where Action prostitution is carried on. Immoral Traffic (Prevent) Cognizableto 10 yrs. &Fine

Seduction of a woman or girl in custody Immoral Traffic (Prevent) Action Cognizable 7 yrs. or Life.& Fines



All above laws are misused widely, Women herself runaway with Boy then later claim she was kidnapped, Have sex and claim sexually harassed or raped and Burdon lies on men to prove her wrong and that take years, and even man says truth no one believe and women Lies all Believe in her. Man has to Prove with Proofs and for women just word and some crocodile tears are enough.


These Laws are very cleverly drafted without leaving any option for man to prove women is wrong or sue if misused and sure slow Death.

5 thoughts on “Indian WMDs (Weapons of Men Destruction)

  1. Sir,
    I have filed a Divorce petition in Hyderabad since my wife left three years back with children and donot intent to come back. Now she filed a maintainance in Gurgaon under Sec125CrPC  Rs 25,000/for both the children . My divorce petition trial is yet to start. What are the consequences now. 
    Please advise.

  2. i totally agree with you brother. men have to unite themselves . men should stop fighting among themselves.

    feminists have adopted divide and rule policy to rule men .

    all feminists hate men . their aim is to punish each and every men alive on this earth.

  3. Men keep blaming women and vice versa. 4yrs back i was married to an NRI from Canada who stayed with me for only a month, concealed his first marriage and divorce and asked for a share in my parental property which made me feel offended and i finally filed for a divorce in Sept 2009 and with no fault of mine i had suffered for all these years.This man was even impotent as no child was born in his first marriage and even from me. At last i got a sigh of relief last month and i did not ask for a single penny.. And men still blame women!!!!

    Not all females are bad my dear friends.. How would your react about such NRI’s who spoil a woman’s life and career and destroy her completely??? Why there are no laws framed against such bad sheep?

  4. Manveen Kaur,
    I want to know why women keep blaming the men for everything and still use their inventions. I have come across women who have called men “dogs” and that they are cause of all of women’s problems but they still keep using the inventions of men such as a car, a house, train, aeroplane etc.

    Nobody denies that there are black sheep among men. But since society does not recognise the black sheep among women and there are no laws to curb them, we have to ACT. You have stated that there are no laws to contain the black sheep in men. Who says so? Read the laws. The DV act is a fine example of how the laws treat men as all black and women as all white. I want to know why there are no laws to tackle wicked women. 

  5. does girl should punish according to ipc who maked 5yr sexual relation with a boy and wand to left him,can that boy appile to court.

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