Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Why No UN MEN ? Men’s Rights are human rights too

In today’s world “The Men’s Rights” is UTOPIA, not a Manifesto of Manhood falls under the premise of equal justice for men, women, Transgenders and or animals alike, but in which case it is necessary to acknowledge men separately from women due to men being…

Rise of Dowry and Harrasment Cases in the Coastal Belt as well as nonprovision of rules and requirements as laid out by the Court’s Of India.

PETITION There has been a rise in the number of cases in the coastal belt of Udupi on the above subject wherein there is no respect for Men, elders, senior citizens and old aged parents, with one word of woman or daughter in law, they…

Forgotten Gender – Capt.Sailesh Kumar Sing

In India, If a runaway Women Tweet to Minister of Indian Government, they will use all possible resources to bring her back safe to India, even she is guilty, and treated like celebrity, Minister personally go to meet her, All media cover her story on…

Domestic Violence Act

Divorce rate in india, increased after implementation of Dowry Prohibition Act (IPC 498A) and now after Domestic Violence Act, this will increase 50%, soon there will be more divorcees than married couple, and single parents. The Act covers women, be they wives,live-in partners, sisters, mothers,…

Who says Section 498A IPC / Domestic Violence Act misused ?

These are the Statistics we collected from NCRB with RTI for the year between 2011 to 2015 498A Year Case Registered Women Arrested Total Arrest Acquitted Conviction Rate 2011 99135 180701 83580 20.6 2012 106527 197762 92867 15.0 2013 118866 222091 97622 15.2 2014 122877…

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We handle Women Centric biased laws like False Section 498A IPC, Domestic Violence(DV ACT), Divorce, Maintenance, Alimony, Child Custody, HMA 24, 125 CrPc, 307, 312, 313, 323, 354, 376, 377, 406, 420, 497, 506, 509; TEP, RTI and many more…