Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Female infanticide – A Myth and Solution

Female infanticide or a Girl Fetus Killing is media made hype and Feminists made Propaganda to mint money. These women Organizations shows False reports of these fetus killing to word like this kind of Practice only happens in India.
Matter of Fact India is the only country who had more Women Leaders of the Nation than any other Country in the World. hope Everyone remember names like Indira Gandhi – Late Prime minister, Pratibha Patil Resident of India, Sonia Gandhi – Head of Ruling Party, Congress.

Feminists of India say, there are 6 Million Girls fetus are killed in last decade.
if its TRUE then there should not have young girls were in India now. and National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) has no record of it.
The Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act was passed in 1996 to stop sex determination of unborn fetus. As per this Act killing fetus is Crime equal to murder and Media [ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/24/india-families-aborting-girl-babies ] and Feminists Organizations says over 6 million aborted and NCRB is not keeping track of it….?
that’s sounds something fishy….

So, Its upto reader, who is right and who is spreading False details.

Indian census revealed that there are about 7.1 million fewer girls than boys under the age of six. The gap has grown substantially since the 2001 census, which found 6 million fewer girls, and the 1991 census, 4.2 million fewer.
They found that the ratio in second births where the first child was a daughter fell from 906 girls per 1,000 boys in 1990 to 836 in 2005 – a drop of 0.52% a year. But there was no decline in the ratio among couples whose first child was a son.

Feminists in India Shows sex ratio in some states; In some States there are more boys than Girls and without varifing facts, Blindly says in these states Girls fetus are killed.
at the same Time, The State of Kerala with 1084 females per 1000 males and Pondichery with 1038 females per 1000 males; Both States has the highest sex ratio according to 2012 Census of India [ http://www.indiaonlinepages.com/population/sex-ratio-of-india.html ], so as per Feminists logic, Why not in these 2 States boys fetus killing reported…?

Feminists hide these Facts, coz their every word is a Myth; with False details they can get Government Grant and International Aid. They not only making money but force Government to make laws for Women which are biased towards men.
They want to eMpower Women in the name of Girl Fetus.

There are so many laws in Favor of Women in India [ Ref : http://mynation.net/gender-equality.htm ] still why there are so many so called 6 million fetus killings(if any)…?
that means Women organizations are not using Grant properly, misusing it or 6 million count is FALSE.

In some part of the Country, in Some communities we found some incidents of such crimes, Even those few cases can be tackled if government policies are changed.
It is not Religion, Community, Education or Wealth but ignorance of the people.

Government Should strictly implement laws to prevent infanticide.
There should be policy / Law to Register Every Pregnancy. Penalize those who failed to Register within 3 months.
Government should monitor Pregnancies.
Not to admit or Deliver if Pregnancy is not Registered, Penalize those who deliver illegally.
Every outside marriage Pregnancy should be registered with parentage which Women organization strongly oppose.
Penalize Women who refuse to name of the Father of the Child.
Infanticide should be termed as murder.
Rape Victim should have option to abort within 2 months ONLY.
Encourage Bounty hunters for hidden Pregnancies. They should be rewarded by Government.
Penalize Women whose Pregnancy status is not complete.


These are Authors views, We Invite your Criticism and Comments

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