Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

eMpower Women – Fate of Husbands Parents

It is a known Fact that today’s Modern empowered women do not want to bear the responsibility of their old parents, specially their husbands Parents (In-Laws), Unless they are in possession of some property or fortune which will be theirs upon their Death.

Decades ago, before feminists movement came into being, old parents were looked after by their daughter-in-laws, even though they did not have anything to inherit, Now all this has changed, Parents were not made homeless and were looked after, till recently after their attitude has changed.

Today’s day many women are tending to their old parents with the fear of society, cause if the parents are thrown out of the house or put in the home for the aged, the women will not receive any respect from society, society will shun them.

But today’s women don’t fear society or being shunned by society, this change has come after 1985 cause of Women Centric Laws.

Because of these laws, many women refuse to tend to their old parents, some even refuse to talk to them, women today feel that old parents are a burden to them, some old parents are kept in separate rooms, they are treated like untouchables, some old parents are fed with one meal per day. The women who do these things are forgetting the fact that one day they too will be old, and their children may treat them the same.

Many young women, talk to their friends and discuss, as to when will their old parents-in-laws die and leave them in peace, with this taught in mind, many young women neglect their old parents (in-laws) health and refuse to provide them with their medications.

With the implementation of the new law, many old parents were thrown out of their own house, many were forced to beg. In the past the old age home, had very few people, but in today’s year and age, the old age homes are full and there is no room, based on these facts one can imagine what impact the law is having on young women.

Even though some parents are aware of the fact that if they approach the local police or the courts, they will get justice, and the daughters-in-laws with fear of the law (Police) will look after them and be good to them for a short time, later they will start the harassment all over again, by then the parents will be so weak that they will no longer want to approach the law for protection, but they will surrender to their daughters-in-laws harassment and wait for the day, they will pass into the next world where God Almighty will grant them rest.

The irony is, these same young women, are willing to look after their own parents, and make the husbands pay for their medical care, food and accommodation, but will refuse to do the same to their husbands parents(in-Laws).

and Now; today’s Girl straight away says
They will not marry if husbands Parents are with them
OR they she want separate house;
Husbands Parents should not come and Stay with them. (its ok if her whole family/friends even neighbors comes and stay)

This is how Feminists / Women Organizations / WCD / NCW changed Face of Traditional India.

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