Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

John Murtari Jailed Again (Update Dec 3rd)

Dateline: NY state, USA
By: Timocrat
From: A Kids Right.org
Via: The Honor Network
Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

Update on John’s Status is below

John Murtari has been jailed once again in a long battle with the judicial system in his state of the US. He has been a Gandhi-like actor in the Fathers Rights movement for many years and had had his driver’s license taken away as part of a poorly used law to force men to often pay more money than they could possible have.

In the past Mr. Murtari has refused to eat and drink in jail and when eventually let out by the system still faces the judiciary persecuting him in a very rough manner (as to make an example of him it would seem) as the system has once again forced a showdown with him over his license yet again.

Mr. Murtari refuses to pay the fine for driving illegally, for it was taken away for unjust cause and for driving his sick mother to hospital.

The police seem to have been awaiting for him on that first occasion and others, and seem to be as said, going out of their way to confront Mr. Murtari (as he has made very clear how he will act). Yet again the police aggressively came to his home, and despite his passive Gandhi-lie approach of non-resistance was “pepper sprayed” for no apparent reason. The state fears its loss of revenue and the threat of the feminist heel, and thus must quash Mr. Murtari with much overdue force, and with extreme prejudice, as they see him as the sole US F4J-like actor who could bring the US movement into more radical action.

We can expect Mr. Murtari to again refuse to pay the fine, refuse to eat & drink, and of course have less funds to pay any court demands with every day he is held in jail for such a small matter, when we have serious criminals being let out for real big crimes every day.

John Murtari Update for Early December

From John Murtari in Jail

Good People & People of Faith,
I’m writing this the day after Thanksgiving. I’d like to give you a few updates, and thoughts on the future.<FONT><FONT>On Tuesday, I talked to the Jail Administrator, Chief Barry Virts. It was a surprise when I heard him describe me as a bitter, self-centered man. He didn’t know any of the details of what had happened to my family or about any Civil Rights movement for parents. (We need to break through those stereotypes.)

We talked for a while and he was polite and genuinely listened to me. He understood the analogy to asking a black man in th 50s to pay the fine for trying to ride in the front of the bus.

His bottom line was the small jail couldn’t support a feeding tube and if I wanter to stay local I would have to eat or they would move me to another ‘facility’ several hours away.

He also said I was making the county expend extra resources by my noncooperation. While being polite I let him know, “I should not be here…I was pulled off the street…it’s an injustice and indignity.” Any society where grave injustice exists is going to experience ‘waste’– the root problems need to be fixed.

My normal weight is about 155. I was taken to the ER at a local hospital on Wednesday. My skin was ‘tenting’ and my weight was about 135–quite a diet plan! Besides a lot of water, I got some better nutrition than last time! About four cans of Ensure, two cartons of milk, and a cup of juice. There was a simple roast beef sandwich and even a small piece of peach pie. For me it was certainly a Thanksgiving feast and I was very thankful!

The jail psychiatrist certified me ‘sane’ and genuinely wished me well with my efforts. A high school friend of mine and his wife visited me–it was great to see them. They were happy to make some calls. Getting letters here has also been great.


The time has been an emotional roller-coaster along with my weight! I’m worried about my health and being ‘recharged’ at the ER–the food and water are not in balance.

My attorney is trying to move my Court date up to next Wednesday(Dec. 3) from Dec. 17th. If that happens it will be due to your calls! I would plan on eating a couple of days prior (Monday morning) since he is fairly confidant I should be released. After all I drank/ate Wednesday–I should be able to make it to Monday.

It would be a relief to get out. Because it was unexpected this jail time could have destroyed my small business. I’m blessed to have two good people there to keep things running.


Tell me about it! It would make this a lot easier. Come to think of it, if I had paid all the ‘support’ money they wanted I would still have a drivers license–I wouldn’t even be in jail! I had an ‘assigned’ counsel tell me, “John, just pay the money, you’ll see your son when he’s 18.” Worth the trade?

When the Black Civil Rights movement was starting in the 50s–I’m sure a lot of good people said, “John, don’t make waves. Move to the back like they say. You want to get your house burned down and find your wife and kids living in the streets?”

Difficult decisions with no textbook answer. Sever injustice that generates anger and a desire for revenge from a sense of hopelessness. Some call for “fighting fire with fire” or an “eye for an eye”–It has certainly worked well in the Middle East?

My answer, like I’ve said so many times before, Non-Violent Action, loving self sacrifice, as demonstrated by Gandhi & King. I have a Bible in my cell and spend a lot of time praying for help and guidance. Yes, I pray the most to help my unbelief! I get scared at what could happen to my life…

Faith and Sacrifice, sounds great in theory, but a little tricky in practice. I’ve had many emotions, but not one regret. I always acted as I thought best for Domenic–that should not turn a parent into a criminal…

John Murtari

To contact those jailing John the numbers are below:DA Richard Healey , Hall of Justice, Suite 202, Lyons, NY 14489
315-946-5905 / Fax: 315-946-5911)

Mr. Richard Wunder, Ass. District Attorney, 54 Broad St. Lyons, NY 14489
(Phone: 315-946-5905 / Fax: 315-946-5911)

New York State Assemblyman Robert Oaks, 10 Leach Road, Lyons, NY 14489 (Phone:315-946-5166 / Fax: 315-946-5229)

Judge Nicholas Forgione, 79 William St., Lyons, NY 14489
(Phone: 315-946-1204 )

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