Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

London Calling- The Judicial Bombs Are a Blitz

Dateline: World
By: MRAs & FRAs
Via: The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

A call is going out for a protest In England on Saturday the 22nd in response to the conviction of Mark & Jolly (Fathers Rights Activists) by the British courts for their protest on MP Harriet Harman’s & her husband’s home. The media in the UK are trying a virtual back out of the case results, as the conviction details are not forth coming, as one can’t Google the results of the conviction to date.

Through the grapevine so far we are told Jolly Stanesby has been jailed for 2 months, with a £250 fine and £500 costs, while Mark Harris was given a 2-year conditional discharge and ordered to pay £500 costs.

Now supporters abroad can help in this fight by emailing Labour MP Harriet Harman’s and her husband on their blog located here : http://www.harrietharman.org/ in enough numbers (and over a good long enough period of time) to remove any doubt in her mind, and that of all the others political parties as well (including the feminist female judge) as to what this will mean in their heavy handed tactics on peaceful protestors is to continue.

Both Harman’s & her husband are Socialist Labour Party hacks with many scandels running around them in socialist circles for having been involved in corruption charges going back over a year, as reported here:


It is said that there will be immediate response to Judge Wickhams decision with her home being targeted. The Ms. Judges home address has been given out by all the forces in support of all activist actions. Located below:

Judge Daphne Elizabeth Wickham
BIRTH DATE: August 31, 1946

Some distortions in this case that have come to light via long grapevine include:

-Harriet Harman was allowed to not attend the court case as a witness, and thus the defendants couldn’t face their accusers.

-Mark & Jolly were refused the tape recording made to the police reporting their protest. Surely this was an important piece of evidence on whether guilt or innocence is in order.

The next month, there will be another trial as Tony Ashby and Nigel Ace stand to face similar charges in an identical protest that took place in July. If you are in the UK you can contact many organizations to take part, as a grand call for unity is now in the works. Simon Wright is one of the men to contact and please try and get out as many as you can to show them we mean business. You can expect to meet at one location and then go to the target spot at the last moment, to avoid spies from the government in the ranks of new members. For those in the UK wishing to coordinate you can contact this email address: office@fathers-4-justice.org

Yet even if you can’t show up in body you can make your presents felt by contact Labour MP Harriet Harman’s and her husband on their blog located here: http://www.harrietharman.org/

Or you can leave a message here for Jolly to give him some encouragement as he is treated the same as someone who has done a real crime: http://users4.smartgb.com/g/g.php?a=s&i=g44-23174-53

Unity of purpose leads to unity of action and action leads to the cause not being ignored.

Posted in U.K   

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