Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

MEN and his Sacrifies.

I think everyone might have read about Mom’s. Wife’s and Girl’s…… in one word WOMEN.
It’s time to learn something about Men…..

Everyone think MEN never compromise in his life, and all believe he do whatever he wanted.

But the Truth is……

A Man is one of the most beautiful creations of GOD.

He starts compromising at very tender age. He enjoys giving gifts to sister since childhood from his tiny pocket money on multiple occasions.

He will be Bodyguard and Protector to his sisters and sacrificing his interest and Time.

He has to buy flowers, Chocolates to make his Girl happy.

Later he adjusts his career ambition with expectations of his parents for just a smile on their face. Most of the mothers want their son to dance to their tune. Even some Mothers train their sons against their own Father.

He sacrifices his love for his wife and children by working late nights. Most of the time Mothers neglect Daughter but Fathers not, he will be Horse to Baby Daughter mostly than Baby Boys.

He builds their future by taking loans from banks and then repaying them for the life time.
Thus he sacrifices full youth for his wife and children without any complain.
He always travels by most economical way for his own but never ignores comfort of his family.

Everyone looks at him with some expectation of gain in eye, right from seat in public transport to donating blood in hospital
Believe me, he struggles a lot but still has to hear the music (Scolding) of Mother, Wife and his boss, yet every mother,
Wife and boss try to have control over him.

Finally he ends his life by compromising for other happiness. Everyone will neglect if he has no Property in his old age, by forgetting what he has done for them. Or if he has Property everyone waiting him to die.

And Specially Indian Government think MEN are not human, when animals have rights and Laws for them, Indian Men has NONE.

Just extend your hand in his bad time when he really needs it. Coz some Day you will be in his shoes and Your Time will come too.

Men too have Emotions too, please respect them…………. THEY ARE HUMAN TOO

Written By : librapisces007

1 thought on “MEN and his Sacrifies.

  1. Rajan ! Last few lines are really very good. So keep doing the good work. All the very best !

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