Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Honour killing – Guilty; Dowry givers – Not Guilty ?

Shobha, Monica and Kuldeep were each shot twice in the head last Sunday evening. They had no reason to suspect their murderers. One was Shobha’s brother, Mandeep. The other was Monica’s brother, Ankit. The third was a local boy known to them both.

They had also ignored India’s system of prejudice and hierarchy as they came from different castes. Unlike in many “honour killings” – such as that of a girl and her lower caste boyfriend beaten to death with iron rods in another Delhi neighborhood earlier this month.

The spark for the killing appears to have been the disappearance of Shobha’s sister with her own “boyfriend”. Shobha herself had previously run away with a man. She had come back home alone but the damage had been done.

“For years her brother had got no respect round here. Even his friends were taunting him. When Shobha did the same thing, he just felt he had to act,” Saurav, 18, told the media.

Shobha’s brother thus sought out Ankit, the brother of Monica. He too was being taunted for the shame his sister’s unauthorized marriage brought the family.

Taking note of the rise in “honour crimes“, the Supreme Court demanded responses from the the federal government and state governments of Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

The court said it wanted them to explain what steps they had taken to protect young couples who are being threatened by their families and communities.

Legally speaking killing for the sake of Family honor is wrong, Even Supreme court respons for this and take action

but at the same time…..

As per Section 3 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, giving or abetting to give dowry is a punishable offence, but the petitioner does have protection of Section 7(3) of the Act. Section 7(3) provides that notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, a statement made by the person aggrieved by the offence under the Act shall not subject him to prosecution under this Act.

Grooms demand for dowry, failing which he would call off the marriage. From the aforesaid facts, it is obvious that the petitioner and her parents were confronted with the unenviable situation either to concede to the demand or face the loss of honour of their family in the society, and if under that fear, the petitioner and her parents conceded to the demand for dowry, they cannot be faulted as they were victims of the circumstances. Held in W.P.(Crl.) No.501/2010

In Honor killing if a Family do something to save Family Honor thats Guilty, but in Dowry Prohibition Act Giving dowry is guilty and can be charged under Section 3 of Dowry Prohibition Act, but our legal system call it Girl Family gives dowry to save Family Honor, so they are not guilty and protected under section 7(3) Dowry Prohibition Act, as they were victims of the circumstances.

To save honor of a Family, Girl family can give dowry, but to save Honor of same family if daughter marry other caste boy killing her Wrong ?
Both aspects related to Family Honor, but Indian judiciary biased towards honor killing, If Giving Dowry is Right then what not Honor killings ? As Indian judiciary act like protector of Family honor why its punishing defenders of honor killings….?

and Dowry Givers are NOT GUILTY.

No wonder Law is called Blind, but i can say Indian judicial system not only Blind but deaf and dumb too.

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