Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Canadian Tories Cut Feminists Purse Strings

Dateline: Ottawa, Canada

By: The Star

From: BC Fathers

 Via: The Honor Network

Canadian Tories Cut Feminists Purse Strings

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

Women’s rights advocates accused the Harper government of ignoring their struggle for equality after a leading women’s group closed its doors because of a lack of federal funding.

Supported by opposition MPs, the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) vowed yesterday to use volunteers to keep up its efforts to combat violence against women, improve living conditions for those on low incomes, achieve pay equity, obtain funding for universal child care and other causes.NAWL lost its funding of $300,000 a year after government spending cuts announced last fall. Despite a $13 billion budget surplus, the government slashed outlays for women’s advocacy projects and eliminated the Court Challenges Program, which funded legal actions by rights advocates. The Tories said Status of Women Canada would no longer fund organizations pressing policymakers to improve conditions for women.“The Harper government is trying to silence women’s groups who speak out against its right-wing agenda,” NAWL board member Pamela Cross said. “These are ideologically driven cuts that demonstrate a defective concept of women’s equality and democracy.”Opposition MPs denounced the moves by the Harper government.
“Women are being silenced in Canada,” Liberal MP Maria Minna (Beaches-East York) told the NAWL press conference. “How can we … say we are promoting rights for women in Afghanistan
when our government is forcing women’s organizations to close?”

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1 thought on “Canadian Tories Cut Feminists Purse Strings

  1. Well one reason that these Coodhi bit-hes are getting there funds cut is because the Harper government is a Right wing party and as such Families are first priority, feminists don’t support family views. The Conservatives in Canada are stanch supporters of George W. Bush another Conservative leader, these types are not in the pockets of Feminist bitches. What ever said and done these parties are for Family unity.

    Lets face it I said it before and will say it again, that Poor Eunuch Indian PM Manmohan Singh is under Sonia Gandhi knickers, Congress party is not for families, pretty apparent. See Indian feminists are screwed up in the head they are the most violent devils anywhere, they take things to another level, so to add to the fuel these eunuch politicans just want to get votes anyway and give them what they want without thinking.

    Soon with these draconian laws like 498a public burning to the stake any accused will take place like the eh ol Salem witch burning in Massachusetts’ s in the years 1600. India is still 450 years back in time.

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