Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

NO Women employee, NO sexual harassment(false) Case

Only way to STOP so called sexual harassment of women at work place is STOP employing them. No women employee – No sexual harassment. [ SOURCE and Here

Long back i said these HOLY words from the scriptures and no one was ready to listen to me and again recently Union minister Farooq Abdullah said while entering Parliament, “I am afraid of talking to women. In fact I don’t even want to keep a woman secretary, God forbid, if there’s a complaint against me and I end up in jail. Such is the state of affairs today.
and later he was forced to change his version, in realitty, he recited what i said long ago in 2008.

Result of this

Former Supreme Court Justice A.K. Ganguly, another retired judge has been accused of sexually harassing a law intern.
The law intern, who was interning with the judge in May 2011, in a letter to Chief Justice P Sathasivam has alleged that the judge sexually harassed her on three different occasions.

these laws are drafted or recomended by these judges only, when law bounce back, they will value my words which i utter long back.

Kolkata High Court Judges refusing to take female interns: “He took my hand to kiss” is enough to smash even a Giant Male person in India
. As the Indian judiciary tries to grapple with another accusation of sexual harassment, this time on a sitting judge, Kolkata High Court Judges and Senior Advocates are refusing to take women as secretaries and interns,
. Many of the sitting judges have already notified the court officials of their objection of having women secretaries. One sitting judge has even written a letter stating that unless cameras are installed in his chamber, he will not accept women as secretaries,
. “I am on the verge of my retirement, who wants to get into unnecessary trouble of having to face such accusation at this old age,” said the sitting Judge of Kolkata High Court, unwilling to be named,
. However, this decision has put law students under tremendous pressure. The education system expects that a law graduate generally joins a senior advocate as a junior to learn the modalities of the job. But with such refusals, students are facing difficulty,
. Effect of pro women laws – Top brass of Corporate houses, Governmental authorities have reportedly decided not to have female PAs, PSs, Stenographers or even in their close working desks not only in fear but also in complete mistrust against over-ambitious working women. Now, Senior Advocates all over the Country are also on the way of not accepting totally new faces of fresh female juniors in their established offices.

Good Move.


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