Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Ministry for Men

Ministry for Men

Constitution of India says, Every citizen of India is equal; there should not be any difference or partiality based on Gender, Color, Caste, Creed or Religion. If Indian women has National Governing body then why not Indian men.

Need for Ministry for men:

• Review the Constitutional and Legal safeguards for men ;
• Recommend remedial legislative measures ;
• Facilitate redresses of grievances and advice the Government on all policy matters affecting men.
• Stop other commissions and agencies from making biased laws against men.
• Empower men and his Family.

Governing Body:

1. The Central Government shall constitute a body to be known as Ministry for Men to exercise the powers conferred on and to perform the functions assigned to.

2. The Ministry shall consist of :-
a. A secretary General, committed to the cause of men, Proposed by state ministry, Appointed by the President of India.
b. Secretary General should not from any political affiliation, who report directly to President of India.
c. Governing body of Ministry should consist of all States member Secretaries.
d. There should not be any Central Government intervention.
e. Ten Members to be nominated by the Governing Body from amongst persons of ability, integrity and standing who have had experience in law or legislation, trade unionism, management of an industry potential of men, men’s voluntary organizations ( including men activist), administration, economic development, health, education or social welfare;
 f. a Member-Secretary to be nominated by the Governing body who shall be :-
1) an expert in the field of management, organizational structure or sociological movement, or
2) An officer who is a member of a civil service of the Union or of an all-India service or holds a civil post under the Union with appropriate experience.
3) Nomination should not be based on religion or color, it should be on merit

Mandate for Ministry:

1. The Ministry shall perform all or any of the following functions, namely:-
 a. Investigate and examine all matters relating to the safeguards provided for men under the Constitution and other laws;
b. present to the Central Government, annually and at such other times as the Ministry may deem fit, reports upon the working of those safeguard;
c. make in such reports recommendations for the effective implementation of those safeguards for the improving the conditions of men by the Union or any state;
d. review, from time to time, the exiting provisions of the Constitution and other laws affecting men and recommend amendments thereto so as to suggest remedial legislative measures to meet any lacunae, inadequacies or shortcomings in such legislations;
e. take up cases of violation of the provisions of the Constitution and of other laws relating to men with the appropriate authorities;
 f. look into complaints and take suo moto notice of matters relating to:-
1) Deprivation of men’s rights and issues;
2)non-implementation of laws enacted to provide protection to men and also to achieve the objective of equality and development;
3)non-compliance of policy decisions,guidelines or instructions aimed at mitigating hardships and ensuring welfare and providing relief to men, and stop men from committing suicide because of family problems and other socio economical issues;
g. call for special studies or investigations into specific problems or situations arising out of discrimination and atrocities against men and identify the constraints so as to recommend strategies for their removal;
h. undertake promotional and educational research so as to suggest ways of ensuring due representation of men in all spheres and identify factors responsible for impeding their advancement, such as, lack of access to housing and basic services, inadequate support services and technologies for reducing drudgery and occupational health hazards and for increasing their productivity;
 i. participate and advice on the planning process of socio-economic development of men;
 j. evaluate the progress of the development of men under the Union and any State;
 k. inspect or cause to inspected a jail,remand home,men’s institution or other place of custody where men are kept as prisoners or otherwise and take up with the concerned authorities for remedial action, if found necessary;
 l. fund litigation involving issues affecting a large body of men;
m. make periodical reports to the Government on any matter pertaining to men and in particular various difficulties under which men toil;
 n. any other matter which may be referred to it by Central Government.

8 thoughts on “Ministry for Men

  1. Men’s Ministry must be established to fight biased law loaded in women’s favour and to fight legal terrorism unleashed by 498a and 3/4 dowry Act.

  2. It’s ironic that in a country where even animal’s have a ministry, the group which constitutes 82% of the revenue do not have a represntation and is tortured, harassed and victimised illegaly with the help of ‘laws’.. like 498a..

    where is the justice in this country.. ?

  3. It’s a need of this hour. We are being treated worse than slaves. We are modern day slaves. We need an authority to listen to our agony.

  4. Good work Crusader.

    Yes men deserve equal treatment in all aspects of life too!

    Men are treated way worse than women in feminazi poisoned countries all the way from health to education. One prime example is the closed family courts that treats men like walking wallets. Father’s have no rights and good fathers often cannot see their children.

    Men are not given the respect for all the amazing things they have achieved up till now. Otherwise we’d still live in caves or even more primitive conditions. Without men there wouldn’t even be civilization which is also like most other human created things is also made by men.

  5. i am so depressed due to working process of judicial process of law and persons who biased completely and give undue favour 2 women. i am worstly affected, due to this i have lost job,court granted maintence 2 her on my past salary(job has lost due criminal case filed by wife) lost my father’ house, she and her family members is still living in that house . and legal authorised person r still helping her .

  6. There is no legal recourse for mens’ issue. There is no forum to raise a man’s voice. He is only to serve a a slave. We want Ministry for Men.

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