Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Paternity Test 4 Men “Should be Banned ?”

Dateline: Kent, England, EU
By: BBC Online ( no author given)
From: Frost Boy at Anti-Misandry
Via: The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

The £298 kit can be conducted at home and does not require a blood sample. Instead a swab is taken from the child’s mouth.There is then a five-week wait for the result of the DNA test while it is matched against a sample taken from the possible father…
…David Hinchliffe, chairman of the Commons Health Select Committee, called for them to be banned. “I think it’s the children who could suffer most,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

*-Note 10% of women worldwide have children by another man.

“They are enticing fathers, obviously on the back of the Child Support Agency issue, to carry out tests without any reference whatsoever to the child’s feelings or discussion with the mother. Her consent or views are not taken account of in the propaganda they have issued.
“I hope the company might think through the implications of this because I am sure they must realise that the likely consequences are damaged and destroyed relationships, and I suspect that some people could, as a consequence of this, sadly be even driven to contemplating suicide.”

Very interesting that this MP cares about the suicide that may occur because of the mother’s lying to her husband, and yet the MP is not on record of giving a toss of the millions of men who commit suicide worldwide (many due from no access given by mothers, who are responsible for starting 80% of all divorces). It is well recorded that women usually fake suicide, while men carry it out, shouldn’t we be more concerned with men killing themselves (as we need little proof as it is happening in great numbers as we speak)?

Abortions are a woman’s choice, non-fault divorce is a woman’s choice, no access to fathers is a woman’s choice, higher taxes on men is a woman’s choice, hugely more expenditures on women’s diseases is a woman’s choice, but mandatory paternity checks or individual choice for the paternity of a child must be banned? Is this the women choice? Freedom seems only one way in our matriarchal world.

For more click: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/131744.stm

Posted in U.K   

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