Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

PRESS RELEASE – Petition to modify clauses drafted in Senior Citizens Act (Amendment) BILL 2018



Petition to modify clauses drafted in Senior Citizens Act (Amendment) BILL 2018


Law forces MEN to Pay Maintenance to Estranged Wife;

 even if she is caught with her lover.

Now Govt is planning to force you to pay to Wife’s parents too.

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We, the “MyNation Hope Foundation”, are a non-funded non-profit NGO&work to build a better society by standing up for Family Harmony, Men’s rights and Gender Equality. We have a presence over the internet for over 12 years and have more than 10,000 Families registered with us including Women, old aged mothers of men and their sisters.

We take this opportunity to highlight the probable clauses which can be legally misused in the above said Amendment of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 and hence, file this petition with concerned Committee/Ministry to take appropriate action to make this amendment a success.

We appreciate maintenance for Senior Citizens by their children, but Son-In-law should NOT be made legally bound to maintain his Father-In-Law & Mother-In-Law (in addition to maintaining his wife, children & his own parents) since he is not entitled to any share in the movable or immovable assets of his Parents-In-Laws; neither is he in any domestic relationship with them.  Making Daughter-In-Law responsible for maintaining parents is definitely much needed with the exponential rise in cases of neglect & atrocities by them to their husband’s parents while in domestic relation.Hence, inclusion of “Son-In-Law” would only add another weapon of mass societal destruction to the arsenal already provided by law to married women in India.

We are also opposed to Senior Citizens Care Homes, as it would indicate that GOI is embracing the western culture & ignoring Indian values. There should be appropriate governance and mechanism to make sure every Senior Citizen is taken care well at their own home by their children instead of sending them to old age home.

The amount of mental cruelty caused by false cases is unfathomable. There should be grounds made to protect parents & spouse from the widespread misuse of biased laws like 498A, CrPC 125, DV Act etc, which give immense powers to Wives to harass & legally extort money from them. The Indian youth is already losing faith in the institution of Marriage and Indian Judiciary & this could be the final blow to uproot the society. PLEASE ACT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.


MyNation Hope Foundation.


WhatsApp : +919972718212

3 thoughts on “PRESS RELEASE – Petition to modify clauses drafted in Senior Citizens Act (Amendment) BILL 2018

  1. Including Son in law to maintain In laws could be manipulated by deserting wives and their parents. This could be another weapon by women to harass their husbands in addition to already existing laws favouring women.

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