Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

LEGAL TERRORISM – Who Promote it?

Ahmedabad: In a latest story of Legal terrorism, chain of events shows as a proof how Judges, courts and Police Promote legal terrorism just on sob story of a women, without any evidence. Few days back The Supreme Court has directed Gujarat’s director general of police (DGP) to remain present in the court on April 26 to explain the failure on part of the state police in tracing a person named Narayan of Gujarat whose wife has filed dowry and domestic harassment cases against him.

Dowry and Domestic violence case filed without any proof or evidence just to claim maintenance, as in India even before these cases proved as true, maintenance is ordered even she was caught in Adultery. Later Narayan family managed to get stay by Gujarat High court.

This all details published on various feminist’s media, showing women as abla nari, and publish it as

“The woman, a resident of Ambawadi in Ahmedabad, married the man from Visnagar in 2008. They lived in Mumbai and Visnagar for certain periods of time during which she was allegedly harassed by him and in-laws for dowry.

She gave birth to a boy in 2010. Later, as the harassment continued, she returned to her parents.

In 2014, she filed a case under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, and an FIR under section 498A and Dowry Prohibition Act in 2015 with the Visnagar police.

She claimed that while she was being harassed for dowry, the husband spent the money given to her by her parents and allegedly fled the country.”

The woman has claimed that he deserted her and their son and fled the country. in reality, there was a differences between couple and she wanted Narayan to cut all relation with his family, when he refused, she left and started to stay with her father. After that Narayan manage to secure job abroad and went to an unknown country without disclosing even to his family.

None of the cases, dowry or domestic violence cases are proved, nor there is any evidence of harassment, instead if men are allowed to report abuse, harassment there will be more domestic violence cases just next day of the marriage. unfortunately, there are no such laws exists in India.

Narayan and family managed to get stay in proceedings and also arrest of Narayan senior citizen parents show valid proof of her cruelty towards them and Narayan

She approached the apex court after the Gujarat high court in 2015 stayed the arrest of her in-laws. to pressure Narayan. same time Narayan family replied with quashing her petition but SC judges take this case as his personal case, instead doing as per prayer, Milord NVR started to ask why maintenance is not paid, where is Narayan etc. etc.

As the case was pending before the SC, the Gujarat police was repeatedly asked to trace the husband so that court notices and summons could be served on him.

There is no evidence there was any cruelty, she herself left and stayed in her maternal home instead Narayan home with his family but for Law, and Judges Women is always Abla, as per another latest Delhi High court judgment, even wife’s adultery judge asks Man to pay his wife maintenance.

The court also found that the husband’s family members were reluctant to share his whereabouts and claimed ignorance about it, according to Sachin Vasavada, the woman’s advocate.

When the case came up for the hearing on Tuesday before the bench headed by the Chief Justice of India, the judges observed, “In spite of repeated adjournments, the respondent – state of Gujarat and particularly the state police have not been able to furnish the address of the respondent – the husband… Under these circumstances, we direct the Director General of Police, Gujarat, to personally appear before this court on 26.04.2022 and explain the reasons for not tracing out the respondent – husband in spite of repeated directions given by this court from time to time.

As per latest update Director General of Police, Gujarat sent whole team of battalion to Narayan parents’ house, interrogated whole day, as senior citizen parents were not aware whereabouts of Narayan, but Police refused to admit that he is not in their contact.

Not only that another team was sent to Pune to his younger brother place, to question and find out where Narayan is. as he is also unaware, he simply refused but Police threatened him and also forced to handover his mobile and access to emails.

Director General of Police, Gujarat employed ATS to trace Narayan as he is notorious terrorist. these police just go after innocent when real criminals and Politicians with crores of SCAM money fly out of India broad day light under the nose of Police.

This is how Indian Judiciary, and Police Waste Tax payer money, and promote LEGAL TERRORISM

Why apex court is not ordering missing Rafale Files? which are missed from Supreme courts custody.

Supreme Court itself called misusing law as Legal terrorism. but in this Supreme court itself found to be promoting it.

Instead wasting Tax payers money and precious judiciary time, why they are not sending every women complaint to LIE DETECTOR TEST?

Agree, Politician promote it for Vote bank, but these Judges act like a White knights, taking women case their own case, and cry there is backlog of pending cases.

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