Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Reform India

As Indian government refused to check its misuse of power and corruption by passing its own toothless lokpal Bill, lost its legitimacy to continue.

India is adopted all bad laws and articles from British in its Constitution and Indian Penal code but left out good valid laws and articles. So both should be rewritten as per current situation and time. USA/UK has option to impeach or recall its PM or ministers but India left out this option, nor ready to add it with amendment. Not only government level but in Family law also, under British law, same rules Family Law applies to man or women equally, same punishment whoever found guilty but in India, Even women has extramarital Affairs she will not charged but only man can be charged under Adultery Law and most of the time even she caught red handed her husband was forced to pay her maintenance. Under British Law there is one rule and one word SPOUSE.
Same applies in Child custody too, Law books say Father is Natural guardian, and that word is only in Law books, in reality, none of the fathers get Child custody, even Mother is a Prostitute.

As draft of New Constitution and Penal code is in Process with following points to be added in both and applied in immediate effect.

001).Abolish parliament and check every ministers assets.
002).Issue Citizen ID cards (CIC) to all citizens
003).Every Account or asset to be Linked CIC.
004).English should be Administrative Language
005).Abolish all Political Parties and Religious groups who has link to such Political groups.
006).There should be New branch of Political Administrators who can govern State and Country.
007).Branch of Political Administrators called Indian Political Administrator (IPA)
(a)Member should be Degree Holder
(b)Less than 30 years Old
(c)Fluent in English, Hindi and one state language
(d)Should be trained/Served three years of military service/Training
(e)To be Pass IPA examination
(f)After completion of IPA he will be appointed in his state as a District Attorney (DA)
(g)District attorney will be later promoted as District commissioner (DC)
(h)Any malpractice or corruption can be reported by any citizen with 1000 valid signatures and valid proofs to State Governor to recall or dismiss DA or DC.
(i)Result of Prosecution to be made public in state gazette.
(j)If governor do not act on the complaint of the Citizen he will be responsible along with DA & DC for the Persecution and termed as subjects Against State (SAS).
(k)Whoever bribe government official or found he already something by bribing, will to be termed SAS too.
008).There will be no Election so India can save millions of Rupees, but people has right to impeach or suspend any government officials.
(a)Those who falsely impeach with fraud termed as Anti State citizens (ASC)
009).For district General Administration
(a)Member should have 007(a),(b),(c)
(b)To be pass State Administration Service(SAS) Examination
(c)He will be appointed as Taluk accountant(TA),Land Register(LR) they will be later promoted as Taluk Administrator as per seniority.
010).For Law and Order
(a)Member should have 007(a),(b),(c)
(b)To be trained 2 years in state Defense Academy (SDA)
(c) To be served in state for 2 years
(d)To be pass State Defense Examination (SDE)
(e)Without SDE he will be appointed as ordinary Police, else he will be appointed as sub/Inspector
011).For Legal matters
(a)Member should have 007(a), (b), (c)
(b)Should hold Degree in Law.
(c)To be practiced as Lawyer for 5 years and 2 years as jury
(a)Jury is a 5 member advisory panel under judge
(b)They will give their views on every case
(c)Verdict will be based on Juries views
(d)Judge cannot give judgment against Majority jury’s views
(e)If there are 3 views for 1 verdict and another 2 against and if judge’s views are with other 2 then matter can be reexamined for more truths.
(f)Juries will be randomly chosen for everyday or case.
(g)Juries can be anyone who has legal knowledge, social worker or member of an NGO
(d)He will be selected as junior judge
(e)With (011) (a), (b) he can be Court Registrar.
012).CIC data will be in National database with strong secure encryption and it will be accessed by Police/Immigration/Court and Government Authorities
013).Without CIC no citizen is enabled any Government or Private facilities.
014).Every record of citizen to be entered in CIC database
015).Indian Penal code to be rewritten
016).Under the Eyes of Law every citizen is Equal, one Law for Gender/Caste and Colour
017).Those who found to be threat to National Security will be hanged in Public.
018).Those who kill, will be killed same way
019).Drug peddlers, exploit children and do forced flesh business will be hanged to death.
020).Those government Authority misuse power and accumulate wealth beyond his means will be stripped to his power and all assets will be confiscated.
021).Those who file false case, falsely defame, Insult others based on his gender/Caste/Religion will be charged and fined according to his crime.
022).Rapist genital will be chopped, and those who falsely charge anyone with Rape will be raped and should be work as prostitute for 2 years.
023).Those who evade tax will be charged 10 times and his license or right to do business will be seized.
024).Every citizen has right to Education, right to oppose government, Right to live and work anywhere in India.
025).There will be neutral Family Law, Every marriage will be held on agreed terms only with written agreement
026).Everyone is eligible to National Pension, if a person is working in govt or Private his firm will be contribute same amount he contribute for his pension.
027).Every Children should equally contribute for their parents and Property will be equally divided among all Children.
028).Those who take care of parents will be eligible for 40% of parents property.
029).Ban on alcohol and cigarette under the age of 18. And smoking in public places.
030).Permit to buy alcohol
031).Government benefits/subsidies for those who produce their own food, Power and water.
032).India to be divided as 6 Administrative zones (North, South, East, West central and Far East)
033).Presidential Representative will be responsible for these Zones and State governors will report to him.
034).Each Zone will have their own Military Command and Air force
035).Each northern states will have at least 5000 men strong Resident military and Air Force, same coastal States will have Military and Naval Force/Base.
036).There should be 3 more supreme courts in south, West and East.
037).All Crimes should have default punishment for all age,Caste,Colour and size.
038).Administrative language will be English and all court document to be digitized and stored in central Database which can be accessed by all District and Above courts.
039).To root out corruption only credit cards/Bank notes or mobile money can be used for more than 1000 rupees transactions.
040).Mobile Payment mobiles to be registered with Bank and linked to Citizen ID cards (CIC)
041).Police retire age will be 50 Years.
(a)After 50 he/she will be posted as Security to Government Offices till 65 if he/she is capable.
(b)FAT or those who unable to keep fit Police will be terminated.
(c)Should be pass 10th and 2 years of State military Training.
042).Education system should be redesigned.
(a)Education Up to 7th will be in 3 languages (English/Hindi/Local) and Basic history/Science/Sociology/Math’s
(b)Next 2 years to decide in which field child is capable to learn best.
(c)Next one year to decide which field best suits for him.
043).No one should kill wild animals.
044).Only domesticated animals can be killed.
045).BAN on killing of animals for religious purpose or with Cruelty.
046).Cutting trees will be criminal offence.
047).Discount in Land Tax if you have Wild old trees other than commercial Trees.
048).No lavish weddings
(a)Bride / groom should keep list of all gifts
(b)Both parties should share wedding expenses equally
(c)No party will force other party more than their capacity.
(d)Girl Family should contribute half when they start new family or for house.
(e)Girls if working should contribute equally for domestic purpose or half of her salary (Whichever is less)
(f)Should have pre-nuptial agreement about how they live and start Family.
(g)If any spouse wants divorce, she/he will not get Custody and have to pay damage for husband/wife for the years they spent together.
(h)Any spouse can pay half amount of house and vacate other Spouse.
(i)Adultery is the reason for divorce then Lover will be charged and should pay maintenance for effected spouse.
(j)Role of Husband/wife is defined at the time of marriage and Registered with register which can be altered later.
049).All government servants retirement age will be 60 Years.

CONTINUED…….These are few Points….. and you Welcome to submit your Views.

2 thoughts on “Reform India

  1. It is high time to implement e-high courts in all sessions divisions(Districts) and e-supreme court in all state capitals

    including nominating competent lawyers from district bar associations.for appointment as judges

    There is no boundary to western area of Odisha.each and every district of Odisha is having own cultural and economical background,there is a ancient guideline called Jaswant Singh commission appointed by our central government since long and according to his report he suggested five point guidelines for opening of a permanent bench of Odisha high court.1-the area must be more than 400km away from cuttack 2-the area must be a poor area with sc/st people 3-there must be rail and road link to cuttack 4-there must be some infrastructure of Judiciary 5-there must be proportionate percentage of cases pending before the Odisha high court.

    So Kalahandi is the proper place to get the permanent bench of Odisha high court…..but the writ judgement passed by hon’ble Odisha high court that there is no need of setting a high court bench at western region of Odisha, no one has gone to supreme court against that order .

    Now the technology of our nation is the best in the world….following our technology, president of US viewed the operation of US army/CIA at Afghanistan…pakistan. we can utilize this technology in all 30 districts of Odisha, we can call this “E-HIGH COURT” through video conferencing all the matters like writs, appeals and revisions can be heard by Judges at Cuttack and we can file our documents and cases before the registrar of our respective district judgeships and we can get our orders at our places without any travel,lodging,fooding and other costs.There no need of vehicles for judges,building for court,staff recruitment etc.

    Now a days every collector of the district is talking with the CM and PM every day and the investment is 30 lakh per district.

    We can only invest one crore per district and ten crore at high court building…..in total only 40 corore is required for entire Odisha for thirty e-high courts in thirty districts.

    Now in my view we really do not want to be exploited by any elder brother by the name of area,caste,creed or religion .

    Lokanath Nayak
    Kalahandi Bar Association

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