Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Teach Responsibilities to Women before eMpower them.

No NGO / Feminists / NCW / WCD asking or demanding nor teaching what are the responsibility to run a home or lead a happy married life and Family. All they wanted Share from husband Property on Marriage, Salary to do house work if they failed to make money from other issues, Free hand to file false case like Dowry / Domestic violence / Marital Rape / Torture / Mental Cruelty etc etc; that shows these Women are GOLD DIGGERS only.

One word for All the GOLD DIGGERS / Women NGOs / Feminists / NCW / WCD is FemiNAZI

Happy family is not built on one person efforts or sacrifices, its a Team effort and no FemiNAZI Teach any women what are Women Efforts and Sacrifices Towards her Family.

  • Why no FemiNAZIs are asking or demanding equal Share in Wedding ? they say, she is abla nari.
  • Why no FemiNAZIs are asking or demanding Half of Contribution from Girls Family to build house and start new Family to newly wed couples ? instead she will kick out old parents of husband out of house.
  • Why no FemiNAZIs are asking or demanding equal share or Financial support from Women to run home ? they say she is taker not Giver.
  • Why no FemiNAZIs are not teaching a Women her duties / responsibilities If she not capable to contribute financially ? instead they demand Salary for Wives.
  • Why no FemiNAZIs are asking mutual Speedy Divorce when there is breakdown of Marriage ? Instead they delay and drag for decades just to teach a lesson or take Revenge.
  • Why no FemiNAZIs are asking equal share in Child Custody ? Instead they deny Fathers visitation also.
  • Why no FemiNAZIs are asking equal share in Child financial Support ? Instead they force Father to pay for Both.
  • Why no FemiNAZIs are asking equal Punishment for all Genders ? Instead they term all Women as Victim and All Men are Villains.

Anyone deny these Facts …?
This is the reality and Crude TRUTH and everyone knows, and this trend will break family and ultimately whole Nation

All these FemiNAZIs want to terrorize Every home of India, Government should consider BANNING these family breaking Feminists groups and ministries.

2 thoughts on “Teach Responsibilities to Women before eMpower them.

  1. No one will reply coz what u spoke is the truth..see the problem is media has made a feminist society..every ones support woman even if she is wrong ask any bachelor he doesn’t know anything what might happen to him and he will support a woman thats how the world is but hoping after many more families are broken one day we will get more people who will be there to stand with us…but I will fight till I am not dead.

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