Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Sanction Salary to Wives – Letter to President / PM of India

President of India.
Shri Pranab Mukherjee
Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110 004

Prime Minister of India
Dr. Manmohan Singh
South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi,110011

Respected Sirs,

This is in response to the Proposal of WCD and Other Feminists NGOS on Salary to Housewives from Husbands. We hereby bring to your notice that, if this Proposal is granted or made as Law then it will create disharmony in Family than any relief to the Family.

These Feminists NGOS mostly consist of Divorced or Single women who never know value of the Family in Society, as their Marriage and Family is broken because of their Feminists ideas, now they wanted / Planning to break Every Family in India.

No NGO is asking any Women to contribute to family and live happily instead they are asking Share from husband for their duty towards her Family, as she has no responsibility towards family.

Man is taking care of every need of his Wife then why she need Salary for her duty towards family, If Proposal is sanctioned she will be branded as a Worker of the Family which degrade her status in Family and in Society.

Running Family is not only Men responsibility, its up to both spouses, If this proposal sanctioned who will pay Men for their contribution and scarifies towards Family ?

If wife has to be Paid for her Family Duty, why men need a Wife, he can do Domestic work from contract labor, so this law not only Break every Family but destroy whole Family system, Society and Country which was built on Traditions,Family values.

If this law is Sanctioned then many men will be forced to commit suicide, as it is they struggle hard to meet the ends and sacrifices their whole life for Family.

Lastly i here by request you to Sanction this Proposal if you want to see.
Men Commit suicide in mass, and everyday.
Ruin whole Family System
Breakdown / divorce in Every marriage.
Ruin Concept of Marriage and Family system.
and destroy whole Nation.

By: Rudolph Dsouza
Family Rights Activist (FRA) for MyNation Foundation
Date : 13/09/2012

1 thought on “Sanction Salary to Wives – Letter to President / PM of India

  1. Yes.. i feel ashamed of being indian where law system is not formed in proper way. Dowry cases are misused, there is no consideration of men feelings, In love marriages women takes their own decisions for any objection they simply lodge complaint of 498a. Uncle threaten of charging this section. I can’t express clearly but there should be supporting laws for innocent husbands. I don’t think this will happen.. India is good in books.. not in reality..

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