Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


Good Government and wise Law makers always make GOOD laws without any loopholes to avoid misuse, or if they find any loopholes they will fix immediately;

but in India, our law makers just copy bad laws from other countries, make it to misuse and harass innocent and government authorities make money or show backlog to get grants.

Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, notoriously called Anti Dowry law or IPC 498A, drafted in one purpose to manipulate, misuse, harass innocent and make money for Women, Police, Lawyers and Judges in other word Swindle money from innocent husbands.

India is the only country where such gender biased laws exists; even Supreme Court called it as “LEGAL TERRORISM” still blind law makers are not willing to change it because of feminists’ resistance.

Because of misuse and harassment every year around 64,000 men and his family commit suicide, still government is not ready to listen.

After enacting this law, not a single marriage survived, all marriages are ended in divorce, still WCD and NCW are strongly support this law, because it’s their bread and butter, by showing false statistics they can demand more funds for their kitty parties.

WCD/NCW and Feminists strong object based on NCRB data, where they show, every year hundreds of women die because of Dowry demand, matter fact as per Indian law, A married Women die within 7 years of marriage, that termed as Dowry death, even she commit suicide when husband caught her with her lover.
There is no data or statistics on Natural death of women, that’s the bias of Indian judiciary.

Other than fake statistics, Feminists refuse to add clause to this law, as Punishment for misuser; so they want Women to be scot free after harass husband, make money or Blackmail in Divorce, alimony or child custody.
Adding this clause will make a huge difference, it will reduce the misuse and burden on judiciary as there is already huge backlog of decades.

So this law is built on Fake statistics;
No women is happy and back with husband after 498A;
Every marriage is ended in divorce after 498A;
It’s used to harass Innocent husband and his family only;
Thousands of men and his family commit suicide because of fake cases.
and there are similar laws to tackle cruelty on women.( eg : Domestic violence Act)


1 thought on “SCRAP 498A

  1. 498a is used as a tool by cruel wife’s and cunning family to extort money. It’s more cruel as it puts husband familys prestige and liberty in question and husband family looses hard earned money. Hence this unbelievable law which is against Husband and his family should be scrapped. It’s like wife and wife’s family asking dowry from husband and husband’s family with force.(blackmailing, tortures, abuses, etc) with or without the help of corrupt officers as Indian law only protects women and not men.

    Simple it’s against HUMAN RIGHTS. if femisnists actually supports females, then mother in law, unmarried or married sister, girl child, grand mother who is in husband’s family are also falls in female gender. So femisnists aim is to destroy the Indian culture and mint money in crores and not to protect females.

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