Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Social reforms in contemporary India are affecting the family system

Contemporary India is changing its image due to increasing international exposure, urbanization and a growing industrial sector at one end, rising male and female literacy on the other end. Indians are adjusting to the new ideals of capitalism and a global economy. The employment rates for both men and women are growing at the same level as the work force. India on its way back has great history. This is the country where the first civilization found. This is the only subcontinent women is worshipped. Women are given priority at every area of life, have reservations, tax benefits, special welfare ministries and schemes.  Country had/having women leaders at the level of President, Prime Minister, Speaker, and cabinet ministers.

Thanks to great Indian leaders like Raja Rammohan Roy, Kandukuri Veeresalingam Panthulu and others, some of the aggressive social evils like the sati or atrocity against widows, divorcees, child marriages etc have now been completely eradicated. The social reforms and laws enacted for the welfare of women already doing their best in educating women and to safeguard from all kinds of social evil. Unfortunately, enforcing women empowerment schemes and poring money in the name of social justice failed to build the Indian Family System.  The country which is respected for its multi religious, multi linguistic and multi cultural richness is suffering with dividedness. Divide and rule has different meaning in pre-independent India, however modern Indian vision is to have undivided society. Segregating people with gender –biased laws to protect only women questions the equality before law. Perhaps this could be the reason why there is still too much segregation and demoralization of sections in Indian society, until one can truly accept that all are equal before law, nothing will change.

Great India is already divided by religion, region, and caste-based. Among the new reforms that are invented for united India, gender iniquity makes us to think that what for the liberalized Indian reforms are if not for its integrity and unity. Practicing a democratic citizenship is much solicited than being caged in poorly formulated welfare schemes or reforms. Citizenship is a concept that allows representing the rights of an individual or groups. The social and legal reforms made for the welfare of Indian women are being grossly misused in India. Since there is no proper check of this misuse, many Indian women are using these structural elements to build dollar dreams on their innocent husbands and their families at the expense of family harmony.

In pre-independent India, both men and women fought for freedom and independence, hence were sent to jails and murdered, all for good cause. Due to evil misuse of these gender-biased laws more and more innocent Indian men are being jailed; many ended/ending their lives with shame and humiliation, leaving behind shattered families and their beloved ones. If this continues, India may revisit another freedom struggle, liberalization, and fight for equality before law. Modern India is now suffering with gender iniquity and poorly formulated gender biased-laws. These laws need revision to protect basic human rights and for freedom of living. Government should consider that men also forms the society hence needs attention and protection from legal point of view.

When India is already suffering with low sex ratio, how the increased divorce rate and men suicide rate helps to built modern India?  Men in modern India are at threat. Science may produce sperm cells from female embryo, produce test tube babies, but the men-women or wife-husband relationship is beyond scientific understanding and the family system here is built on pillars of trust, faith, love and emotion. Unless both genders are given equal importance, opportunity and respect before law, one community always try to batter the other, which may leads to family destruction. Thus liberalized India is craving for its own destruction with new gender-biased reforms, if not uprooted feminism is going to ruin great India.

No Alimony
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