Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

PRESS RELEASE – Manav Singh Case. DATE: 11/06/2021

PRESS RELEASE   11th June, 2021 National Human Rights Commission – NHRC transfers the Manav Singh Cyber Murder Case to the Crime Branch CID for reinvestigation #JusticeForManav @Justice4Manav After following the slow pace of investigation in the Manav Case over the last one year, the…

PRESS RELEASE – Manav Singh Case

PRESS RELEASE – Manav Singh Case In Manav Singh’s case, the chargesheet was filed against the 2 main individuals under Sections 305 and 34 IPC which are grave offences with imprisonment up to of 10 years. However, it remains that despite continuous follow ups with…

Open Letter to Punjab n Haryana Bar council for staged webinar

Dear Sidhu, The session yesterday appears pretty monologue. It is an absolute waste of 2 hours of my time. Session did not have any convincing FACTS shared nor a single highlighted case. Even the mention of BoisLockerRoom now turned out to be a hoax, a…

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