Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Equality According to FemiNAZIS.

Keep child for herself when Divorced. Deny even Child Visitation to Father. Force legally wedded husband to pay for Lover child. Caught Red handed with Lover still Demand Alimony. Kick Husband Parents out from their own home. Dont want husband but love his Money(Maintenance) Desert…

Domestic violence case Against Brothers Possible

How to rule the world, thats ultimate goal of FemiNAZIs. When law is with them, nothing is impossible,and henpecked judges give verdict in favor of them. This is funniest, Crziest and most Pathetic law i ever heard, and this is possible only in INDIA. This…

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We handle Women Centric biased laws like False Section 498A IPC, Domestic Violence(DV ACT), Divorce, Maintenance, Alimony, Child Custody, HMA 24, 125 CrPc, 307, 312, 313, 323, 354, 376, 377, 406, 420, 497, 506, 509; TEP, RTI and many more…