Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

It’s Official Fathers are Now Toast

Dateline: Quebec, Canada
By: Canwest
From: National Post
Via: The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

The lawyer for a Quebec man whose 12-year-old daughter took him to court to challenge his punishment said yesterday the case might be taken to the country’s top court after the father’s appeal was quashed. The Quebec Court of Appeal sided with the girl, who won a decision from a lower court last June overruling her father’s decision to ban her from a school trip. The court stated that it is a question of parental authority and that what should have been a daily parenting decision grew into a major conflict. But the girl was right to ask the Quebec Superior Court to resolve the matter because her divorced parents could not agree, it added. The mother was in favour of the school trip while the father forbade the girl from going because she did not follow his orders to stay off the Internet and got into a fight with her stepmother.

If this ruling is confirmed at the highest level, and spreads to other courts, it’s time to start thinking about some radical new tactics. At present there is no spanking, no grounding, no access, no limit on what the government can force men to pay or go to jail in half a dozen countries in the west. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, and go directly to jail. This is a state monopoly on the family. The state has declared war on fathers & men, there is no other way to put it!

For more click: http://www.nationalpost.com/todays-paper/story.html?id=1475389

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