Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

How to win a Man – Advice to Women

Majority women try to control their husband; if they fail to dominate, they will harass him to an extent that he will go for divorce, without thinking about the future or the Children life;
They know very well how to Black mail with sex, withholding it; Force husband to keep away from his Family; not cooking and do things to him,insulting, humiliating,mimicking and harassing.

If a women Refuse sex to husband, then that’s clear sign she has someone else;
If she blackmail with Sex, then she is asking for Divorce. Most of the Indian Women sex is blackmailing tool to harass and get things done; but there are clever husbands, they will get everything outside when it is denied at home.

Nowadays everyone has Internet and there are online Feminists Groups of Divorced, Sadists women, who mislead such house wife and tell them not to listen to husband, file some false cases like dowry case or Domestic violence case to teach him a lesson if he do not dance to her tune; they have no word to save her Marriage than divorce.
Even Lawyer and Police tell same thing, if she approach them, they will tell, do not worry you will get the money, we are with you; Once your case is in their hand you are stuck for years may be decades as in India most of the Divorce case goes beyond 5 years; and dream of making money is also no use as latest Delhi HC verdict asked women to find job within one year as she was educated.
Only dumb women think by harassing, humiliating, insulting, mimicking, withholding sex, blackmailing, torturing, calling names; she can control husband and she will be happy and get money, then she is wrong.
When time comes husband will treat her same; Husband will get Food and Sex from outside marriage if its denied at home, and in a revenge husband has right to deny financial support when his wife is sick and old.

This is not a “The Goose with the Golden Eggs” Story but similar which applies to Indian women. Today`s many Indian women think their husband as the Golden egg laying goose.
They want his money and Maintenance if Divorced even for her fault, but not Husband. They want it in one attempt like The Goose with the Golden Egg.

It is said, it’s in Women hand to save marriage or break. I seen Alcoholic, drug edict, womeniser and chain smoker changed after marriage.
My Advice to every women if she want to save her marriage and live happily, then

Respect your man, Never interfere in his matter which he do not want to share, Honor him of his Pride and Privacy; Value his Self respect, never make him look down in front of his People or others.
Women are Good in Tongue twisting, Words can kill, choose words wisely when you talk.
Set aside you ego, if you want to have happy marriage, keep him happy.
If he want sex once a day, give him twice; NOT to WITHHOLD; or Blackmail with SeX.
It is said men heart through his stomach; cook him, his favorite food. You cannt win over his mother in cooking, but clever wife master it by knowing his taste.
Don’t listen to Lawyer, Police or your sadists’ friends or online Feminists, they will guide you in getting divorce only, and no one will be around when you need some help.
Love his family and friends as your own Family, and see, he will get you money by begging or borrowing if needed to treat you.
Show him how to enjoy, don’t dictate; if you want to enjoy his money.
If he is work outstation, comes home once in week or month, treat him well, with food, server him what he missed.
Do not argue;
Do not dig past mistakes or recall memories; and do not repeat mistakes.
Do not force him to do things to your family; unless you keep his family happy you have no right to ask anything for your family.
Do not raise children against their Father.
You have to bend to make him bend, you have to love him and to be loved.

There are Divorced, Sadists Feminists online and everywhere, they try to spoil your marriage; if you are wise enough then you will not fall into their trap; after all if marriage fails, its you the loser not they.

Marriage is all about give and take; give little to get Plenty and always do not go after Golden Egg. that’s the moral of the Story.

And if you think it’s too difficult to change your husband or you do not want to change then, get divorce amicably; mutually and move with your life with someone else.

3 thoughts on “How to win a Man – Advice to Women

  1. Rightly said;

    Only fools fight.
    No one married to be Divorced and make some money only Sadists think that way

  2. Thank you shirely;
    Todays Women are fooled by Sadists Divorced Feminists; They lost their family and marriage now they want to spoil others too;
    we should ban WCD/NCW in india, If women goes to them other Problem they will not help; they only help if they fight against husband.

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