Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Marital rape : Every Indian man is a Rapists and come home Drunk – Feminist

One of the Feminist wrote an Article on Marital Rape; as per her

Since the late 20th century, most of the developed world has criminalised marital rape, but India has still not.

If, of all people, the Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi is unable to recognise the grievous danger in not making marital rape a criminal offence, it bodes ill for the future of women’s rights in India. But first, let’s try to understand marital rape. It occurs when a man imposes intercourse on his wife either by force, threat of force, or when the wife is unable to consent. And just as domestic violence has been made punishable by law, so should domestic sexual abuse, because rape is rape, regardless of whether it is committed by husband, father-in-law, uncle or stranger. Since the late 20th century, most of the developed world has criminalised marital rape but India has still not.

Repeating almost verbatim the words of Minister of State for Home Affairs Haribhai Chaudhary in April 2015, Ms. Gandhi has said that ‘marital rape’ cannot apply in India because of factors like illiteracy, poverty, social customs, religious beliefs, and the “sanctity” of marriage. How are we to understand this? That it is okay for a man to sexually abuse his wife because they are poor? Because they are illiterate? Because their marriage is solemnised by a religious ritual? Invoking arguments of destitution, religious belief and social custom can result to justifying several regressive practices that have rightfully been thrown out by law.

In fact, it is because we are a country still terribly hobbled by ignorance and custom that it becomes even more important to provide legal protection for the woman. Usha, our domestic help, would come to work at least once a week with a black eye. When asked why she did not complain, she would say, ‘Husbands can hit their wives, ma. It’s the norm’. It’s the same ‘norm’ that allows the husbands of many Ushas to rape them, without protection, each time they come home drunk.


She is defending women rights; and comparing with Failed Domestic violence, as Supreme Court itself called it as tool of Bargain.

With Marital Rape, Feminists want to give more rights to women, showing all men are Rapists and come home Drunk. In India Marriage is the only way for most of the men to have sex.

I know many Indian women use sex as bargain tool to get things done and Blackmail or demand from husband.

If Marital Rape law is made and implemented as Criminal offence then most of the men will be in jail, as Women will go to Police immediately after consented sex and complain that her husband raped her….

It up to reader to guess what happens next….

No Feminist will give guarantee of no misuse of this law, becouse it will be misused more than used. Women organisations are failed make money from Domestic Violence act because for women it is difficult to prove their false allegations, so judiciary found out there are more false cases than genuine one.

No wonder Divorce rate will be doubled; and Men will lose faith in Marriage and there will be another lakh more false cases just like IPC 498A (Dowry law) and Domestic violence every year.

If these women organisations demand Marital rape to be make Criminal law then Men also need protection and support, they demand punishment for false marital rape case and it should be valid reason for divorce with default maintenance from Women and also same Punishment for denying sex without reason, it should be daily matter just like having food, husband should not be denied any time anywhere at least once a day. FOR SURE NO WOMEN ORGANISATION WILL AGREE, to dig their own grave.

1 thought on “Marital rape : Every Indian man is a Rapists and come home Drunk – Feminist

  1. did any living creature said :Every Indian man is a Rapist and come home Drunk ….??? i wonder how many men she is familiar with

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