Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Women Issues

The issue of skewed sex ratio of the country has been so blown out of proportion that faulty steps are been taken to correct it, which is directly marginalizing basic human rights for men. NGO are blaming men for skewed sex ratio. Perhaps they must not cheat the people by not reminding the public that according to the law itself, decision to abort is only with women, a man/husband has no right to decide. A poor family, whose income for the month would hardly be around 2,500 to 5,000, will want their son to start earning as soon as possible even if it means forcing him to quit his education. Don’t boys have the right to education? Isn’t it clear that the Government and NGO are hiding the child labor gender-wise details because boys are maximum child labors in the country? Millions of young boys are forced into doing labour job.

On the other hand, the Government has announced free education for girls. We, as a taxpayer, have the right to question the directives of the Government, as to, What are the factors that has been taken into account in providing free education to girl considering that it’s the people’s hard-earned money paid as tax to the Government which is been expended? What are the real benefits that a taxpayer would gain from such a step of the Government? Free education for girls will only increase child labour. It is so clear that the Government has been approving women group’s proposals as a part of vote bank politics. Who is suffering? Only young boys. What measures are been taken to stop child labour? Nothing. Because child labour is not a part of vote-bank politics, women issues are.

Women’s issues are so extravagantly highlighted that each and every media would want to distort and sensationalize the issue to attract readers. How will the Government correct this problem? Women’s issues are so much stretched that men’s issues are brutally ignored and probably it has become a habit of Press to highlight only women related issues. How will the Government stop this habit of the Press of extravagantly highlighting women’s issues only? Isn’t there one of the code of conduct of journalism that media is not allowed to influence the society, community or sect in any adverse ways?

It is getting from apparent to obvious of the actions that speak volumes of women organization’s intentions looking at the assortment of their recommendations. Everybody is talking about giving equal rights to men and women. Is this equal rights ? They need to understand more thoroughly what “Equality” really means. Perhaps they already know and they are engaged in some sort of national deception under the name of Women Empowerment and Gender Equality. Isn’t it obvious seeing their behaviour; they would talk about gender equality, and when they want something more, they would talk about women empowerment. Isn’t it weird that women are succeeding in education and career, and the rest of the women are trying hard to show how weak and vulnerable women are? What an irony?

This is what is called having `best of both the worlds’. And why, only because women are women, that’s all. If women are women then why to deceive the public of Gender Equality crap? Or perhaps you need to be honest with yourself with your belief that only by making male gender suffer, women condition will improve. Is this what media,Government, NGO and women groups are thinking? Because your actions are saying it.


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