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Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996





1Short title, extent and commencement
3Receipt of written communications
4Waiver of right to object
5Extent of judicial intervention
6Administrative assistance
7Arbitration agreement
8Power to refer parties to arbitration where there is an arbitration agreement.
9Interim measures, etc. by Court
10Number of arbitrators
11Appointment of arbitrators
12Grounds for challenge
13Challenge procedure
14Failure or impossibility to act
15Termination of mandate and substitution of arbitrator
16Competence of arbitral tribunal to rule on its jurisdiction
17Interim measures ordered by arbitral tribunal
18Equal treatment of parties
19Determination of rules of procedure
20Place of arbitration
21Commencement of arbitral proceedings
23Statement of claim and defence
24Hearings and written proceedings
25Default of a party
26Expert appointment by arbitral tribunal
27Court assistance in taking evidence
28Rules applicable to substance of dispute
29Decision making by panel of arbitrators
31Form and contents of arbitral award
32Termination of proceedings
33Correction and interpretation of award_ additional award
34Application for setting aside arbitral award
35Finality of arbitral awards
37Appealable orders
39Lien on arbitral award and deposits as to costs
40Arbitration agreement not to be discharged by death of pa
41Provisions in case of insolvency
45Power of judicial authority to refer parties to arbitration
46When foreign award binding
48Conditions for enforcement of foreign awards
49Enforcement of foreign awards
50Appealable orders
52Chapter II not to apply
54Power of judicial authority to refer parties to arbitrati
55Foreign awards when binding
57Conditions for enforcement of foreign awards
58Enforcement of foreign awards
59Appealable orders
61Application and scope
62Commencement of conciliation proceedings
63Number of conciliators
64Appointment of conciliators
65Submission of statements to conciliator
66Conciliator not bound by certain enactments.
67Role of conciliator
68Administrative assistance
69Communication between conciliator and parties
70Disclosure of information
71Co-operation of parties with conciliator
72Suggestions by parties for settlement of dispute
73Settlement agreement
74Status and effect of settlement agreement
76Termination of conciliation proceedings
77Resort to arbitral or judicial proceedings
80Role of conciliator in other proceedings
81Admissibility of evidence in other proceedings
82Power of High Court to make rules
83Removal of difficulties
84Power to make rules
85Repeal and savings
86Repeal of Ordinance 27 of 1996 and Saving
Schedule 1-Convention on the recognition and enforce
Schedule 2-Protocol on arbitration clauses
Schedule 3-Convention of the execution….


Indian Laws – Bare Acts

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