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Schedule 1 – The Tezpur University Act,1993

The Tezpur University Act,1993

Schedule 1. The Objects of the University


(See Section 4)


1. The University shall endeavor through education, research, training and extension to play a positive role in the development of the North-Eastern Region, and. Based on the rich heritage of the region, to promote and advance the culture of the people of the State of Assam and its human resourses. Towards this end, it shall-

(a) Strive to offer employment oriented and inter-disciplinary courses, mostly at postgraduate level to meet the local and regional aspirations and the development needs of the State of Assam;

(b) Offer courses and promote research in areas which are of special and direct relevance to the region and in emerging areas in Science and Technology;

(c) Promote national integration and study of the rich cultural heritage of the region and, in particular, the diverse ethnic, linguistic, and tribal cultures of the State;

(d) Utilise distance education techniques and modern communication technologies to provide access to higher education for large segments of the population, and in particular, the disadvantaged groups such as those living school teachers, medical personnel, and extension staff; and to provide opportunities for life-long learning for adults; and

(e) Provide an immovable system of University level education, flexible in regard to methods and place of learning, combination of courses, eligibility of enrolment, age of entry, conduct of examination and operation of the programs with a view to promote learning and encourage excellence in new fields of knowledge.

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The Tezpur University Act,1993

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